Ok, gang, the PNC Christmas Price Index is out. If you were to buy all the individual items on the "12 Days of Christmas" list, you'd be spending nearly $20K. If, on the other hand, you were the romantic who followed the lyrics, you'd spend over $78K (and drive your sweetheart bananas) for all the gifts. Item...............................Each........Total One Partridge and Pear Tree.....$164.99....$1,979.88 Two Turtle Doves.................$40.00......$440.00 Three French Hens................$45.00......$450.00 Four Calling Birds..............$599.96....$5,399.64 Five Gold Rings.................$395.00....$3,160.00 Six Geese a-Laying..............$360.00....$2,520.00 Seven Swans a-Swimming........$4,200.00...$25,200.00 Eight Maids a-Milking............$46.80......$234.00 Nine Ladies Dancing...........$4,759.19...$19,036.76 Ten Lords a-Leaping...........$4,285.06...$12,855.18 Eleven Pipers Piping..........$2,213.40....$4,426.80 Twelve Drummers Drumming......$2,397.85....$2,397.85 Total Christmas Price Index..$19,507.25...$78,100.11
I don't think I understand the math on that. Is the first column supposed to be the price of one, and the second column the cost of the number of items in the song? Do you get a discount on bulk purchases? And how do you buy drummers drumming, lords a-leaping, ladies dancing, etc.? Is that what you would have to pay them to perform, or what? BTW, the series of thank you letters is very funny. :lol:
Yep. If one does, it wasn't factored into the calculations. Buying people is against the law in this country. The amounts shown are (I believe) an hourly wage. While one can presume that a milking maid must milk a specific amount of time (give or take) to drain a cow, what is not specified is how long a Lord must continue to leap.