The Triangle’s traffic is Clayton’s concern

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by jesse82nc, Mar 10, 2017.

  1. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    “It’s pretty telling that without roadway improvements our region is going to be very congested,” town planning director David DeYoung said. “A look at our region in 2045 has every major roadway, including the Clayton 70 bypass, over capacity.”

    The U.S. 70 Bypass is one of the fastest and easily traveled highways in Johnston County, with a 70 mph speed limit and rare congestion. But DeYoung said that road will feel more and more pressure as it gets upgraded to Interstate 42 and sees a new crop of travelers introduced by the coming 540 expansion.

    “The widening of this bypass, coupled with 540 coming around to it, will definitely change the feel of this corridor from our Clayton scenic bypass to a true interstate,” DeYoung said.
    certdude likes this.
  2. Michael smith

    Michael smith Active Member

    here is a suggestion, I40 needs to be 4 lane freeway.
    Auxie likes this.
  3. Auxie

    Auxie Well-Known Member

    So does 42!
  4. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    Sherry A. likes this.

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