ARTICLE Normally I'm quite restrained when it comes to using certain words to describe people and activities that are just plain wrong. But in this instance, I really with the language filter was removed so that I could make it plain as possible how I feel. According to the article linked above, the Canadian post office has had a policy of helping Santa out by replying to letters children send to him every year. Each reply is pretty generic, but a little different (in case there is more than one letter in a household) and contains a little personal note. This year, though, someone has been writing nasty, mean, downright rotten stuff to the children and signing it as Santa. In one example, in reply to a child who asked for a book about the soccer player David Beckham, then mean person replied that "Santa is really bad, Santa hates kids and he even hated David Beckham" Now as most of you know (and for those who don't you do now) I am a firm believer in Santa Claus. There are a few of us on 4042. We don't insist that you believe, even though some of you seem to insist that we shouldn't. But even if you don't believe, that should not give cause to be hateful toward children. To tell you the truth, I am at a loss for words for what they should do to this person (or persons) who is doing this if (and hopefully when) they catch them. Any potential punishment I can think of is either too light, or so severe that it risks being comical.
Made me cry. DNA and fingerprints are maybe how they can catch this idiot who wants to hurt children. No matter what religion or belief someone has, these letters to Santa are so important to the children. In the past I would have a neighbor call my daughter, as Santa, just for that reason. One can never be to careful. Grace
this is just horrible. It amazes me how some people can be so mean. Can you imagine the children that recieved those letters and how they must have felt. I think they should leave the law out of the punishment and let us Santa believers(any anyone else needing to relieve some stress) take care of their sorry butts!!!
I just can't imagine anyone being that cold hearted?? I just don't understand people....makes me mad too Clif!:evil:
We are talking about small children here Harv.... I just believe there is a special place in Hell for evil people. Anyone that would intentionally hurt a child in any way deserves hell. Squashing a 4-5 yo dreams of Santa is intentionally hurting a child.:evil:
Gee, did we find the culprit?? Disappointment is one thing, cruelty is another. Did we lose our compassion somewhere along the way? :?
Actually, if you ask me, it's a case of jealousy. Thses are people who have had their childhood taken from them and so they take it upon themselves to make sure no one else experiences it.