That is pretty cool! Of course I can say that cause that isn't my kid. Now where were the parents of the other ones that were going down it lol. I agree would like a bigger pool to land in. Sheri
That looks like something both of my boys will do. And like I keep telling them "I don't know where the hospital is, so knock it off!"
AWE-SOME!!! Great engineering. My Little One would probably come up with something like that...and I DO know where the hospital is :lol:. Frogger
They did a great job of the placement of the wading pool and the general engineering of the slides dimensions. . .That took some skill. . .I just wonder how the heck they didn't fall off that roof trying to access the slide:?:
Not to mention the damage to the shingles if they were up there crawling around, you aren't supposed to walk on them!
I think it'd be worth replacing a few shingles! We DO own our home, and I sent the link to my fiancee...i'm kinda hoping to see this one in a few weeks! K