What are they? They are sneaking into my house somehow. Pest control sprayed a month ago. The other night my 5 year old screamed from his room. There was one that crawled on his arm!! I just squashed another one that either came in through the vent or the door. What do I do?
It's getting cold, all critters and insects are looking for somewhere warm. I'd call your guy back out there.
In South Carolina they're called Palmetto Bugs....everywhere else they're just cockroaches on steroids !!!
When we first moved down here I was in my kitchen and felt something cold on my leg. I thought the dog had her nose on me, so I looked down, and there was one of those dang palmetto bugs on me. Never yelled so loud in my life. It seems like the stinking things don't DIE down here, they just get bigger and bigger!! Never had to have an exterminator in the colder climate.
What's the deal with centipedes and millipedes getting into my house here lately? A couple of nights ago there was one of these scampering across the floor. :ack: My 10 year old ds picked it up and tossed it outside. I thought that thing was gross... until I came across one of these on my kitchen floor this morning. That nasty looking thing even sent ds running. Not to worry, it got to meet the inside of my vacuum cleaner hose. Check out this website for common household pests.
Yep. Definitely a wood roach. I am in a lease and my house is surrrounded by trees and landscaping. I am doomed until July.
Back when I was a teenager, I used to clean offices at night. Well, one of the offices I cleaned was a salon. The salon always had millions of them buggers dead on the floors (the centipedes and millipedes), but the offices to the left and right didnt. Not sure what they were after, but I always suspected it has something to do with the hair chemicals. The other one looks like a silverfish. They love to eat paper.
The thing I vacuumed up today was listed as a common house centipede. Whatever it was, it was nasty looking! It wasn't a silverfish, unless it was on some kind of steroids, it had too many legs to be a silverfish. I haven't seen one of those in years, but I remember what they look like...
Wood Roaches I agree, I think they're called Wood Roaches. Our house is surrounded by woods - mostly pines. We seem to get them in spurts. Can go a couple of weeks without any then see 3 in one day. Drives the kids nuts. One was on the ceiling and fell right onto him in bed once. They seem to have no fear and will come out with all the lights & tv on & people moving around. I spray the house occassionally myself with strong insect spray (the pump kind). Strange thing is, I'm beginning to think they're somehow coming up through the bathtub drains. Found 2 in my tub one day and thats happened more than once so when I can remember to, I plug the drains when not in use. Might help you too. Would that make them some type of Water Bug then?