those of you with K-4th graders and school issues

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by walloon, Apr 26, 2007.

  1. walloon

    walloon Well-Known Member

    please check out:
  2. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    I just printed two applications. Luckly I live about 15 minutes from there. My kids will be excited. They want to get out of their school just about as bad as I want them out!!
  3. walloon

    walloon Well-Known Member


    email me privately if you want some more info.
  4. sarahmama

    sarahmama Well-Known Member

    I was very excited about this when I first saw it, then I realized it was in Selma. There is no way I can drive all the way there every day. When will some get a charter school started over on this side of town? Private school is just too darn expensive.
  5. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    Same hear,
    Why Selma???

    That is a hike from most of 27520 or the JoCo 28529's.

    Was it a site issue? Is it only that they could find a building in Selma?

    Anyone know?
  6. walloon

    walloon Well-Known Member

    yes, it was mostly a site issue. This school is really going to be fantastic. I think in 2-3 years down the road, the drive will mean nothing to most people, they will be wanting so badly to get their children in. It will be a 20 minute drive for me, but very worth it.
  7. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    If you lived there, you'd know why. I'm surprised someone hasn't started a charter school there before now. As public schools go, you can't get much better than the Cleveland area.
  8. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    new high school

    Maybe this should go on the bond issue post, but does nayone know where the new high school in the Cleveland area might be going? Was there a new middle school also?
  9. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

  10. kidsfly

    kidsfly Well-Known Member

    I heard the they have not been able to secure land in Cleveland area yet for the new high school. I think they need like 90+ acres of land for a new school and are having a tough time finding that much land available and for sale at a reasonable price/acre. This area is grown so much, land is more expensive than other areas of the county and apparently it is getting harder to find someone who owns that much land willing to sell to a school as opposed to a developer who may pay more money. Also, I understand working with multiple owners of land to try and combine tracts together is difficult.
  11. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    There is an 85 acre parcel of land that just went on the market on Old Fairground Rd, between Pleasant Grove Baptist church and Dixon Rd. I'd rather see a high school there than another subdivision!! :)

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