Everything is is too serious lately around here, so here's a thread that I think could help lighten up things a bit. The Farrelly brothers are looking to make a Three Stooges movie. Who would you cast in the Moe, Larry and Curly roles? http://popwatch.ew.com/popwatch/2008/11/farrelly-brothe.html With the world seemingly going to hell in a hand basket these days, we could use some eye-poking, gut-punching slapstick to lighten the mood, and off the top of my head, I can't think of a better forum for that than a Farrelly Brothers-directed Three Stooges movie, currently set for a Nov. 20, 2009, release. Of course, it's the casting that will determine whether this turns out to be a side-splitting tribute or disgraceful tarnishing of the Stooge legacy. I'm thinking Adam Sandler or Patton Oswalt as Moe, Will Arnett or Ryan Gosling as Larry (yes, Gosling), and David Koechner or Seth Rogen as Curly. Okay, PopWatchers, give us your dream Stooge cast.
Jim Carrey - Larry Mike Myers - Moe Jack Black - Curly (Chris Farley would have been my first choice, but that dummy had to go and kill himself)