We just bought a new house and moved in over the weekend. Problem is... if you walk in our back yard, you will have at least 3 or more ticks on you. Does anyone know the best way of getting rid of these and keep them away.(Besides burning the entire yard) We have two small kids and two dogs and can't even let them go out back. Everynight we are checking each other for ticks.....yes reminds me of the song everytime!
There are some granules that you can buy at Lowes, etc. that are specifically for ticks. I don't know the name of the pesticide, but it does work. You still need to check the kids, but you won't find nearly as many. Good luck!
I love that song! It's one of my ringtones for a certain person lol. Dosen't seven dust kill ticks and fleas?
If your backyard backs up to woods, your going to always have some issue with ticks. I would suggest clearing out the sections that your yard backs up to, as much as you possible can within your property line, keep it clean/free of ground brush, thin it out some so that it doesn't attract the local deer as a place to bed down at night, this is where most of your tick infestation will be coming from. Deer are loaded with ticks that drop off as they travel around from place to place, dropping them off in your yard etc., keep the grass mowed, throughout tick/flea season you should maintain pesticide treatments (if this is what you use) just a about once a month in those areas until the first frost. Good luck, I hate those little critters.
Tie white cloths or sheets to your ankles and walk through the area dragging them behind you. The ticks will jump on the sheets and you can get a good head count before and after the treatments.
I've heard that you can get one of the bug treatment type companies to spray your yard/woods to get rid of ticks also, but not sure what they spray with.