Kaci usually does this but isnt it time for another 4042 lunch? I want to be there this time!! Is anyone interested? What day works? Harley,Kaci, Jenn... come on now.....
Humph! You really wanna get me started on this subject? LOL Today? When I'm already in a bad mood? LOL Someone else can plan and coordinate it. If I can make it, I'll go, if not, I won't. But I AIN'T planning another one! Thanks and have a great day! (and no, this anger wasn't directed at you or anyone in particular, lol)
Sup honkey? Tell me when and where and I"m there! :mrgreen: Unless I have an appt., then I"ll be late! :lol: OH, NOT Friday, Oct 5th :twisted: Idea! How 'bout we have a 4042 lunch meeting in Apex? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Dont forget girls, bring your prom dresses and gobs of makeup!!!! :twisted:
Actually i had been thinking maybe it was time for another - they usually work out better if they are at least 3 months apart (experience taught me that one with this group:lol Let me check on some things and i will get back with ya with some dates, times, place, etc. in the next couple of days. Thinking the end of October would be good because i have also learned the turnout is much better with about a month notice.