Time Warner Tip - Roku might save you a few bucks

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Webmaster, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    I have TW cable and the HD tier, with one HD DVR. (No movie or other premium channels.) A few months ago, I added a second cable box...just the standard HD cable box...no DVR on this one. The monthly cost on that second box is $10.

    That all worked fine...except...I couldn't get all my same HD programs on the secondary box. When I would try to watch History Channel 2 or The Science Channel, I would get a message that I needed to subscribe to get those channels.

    A few rounds of "OK...try this..." with TW tech support resulted in this not being fixed. The last one told me "it was a known problem in my area and it would be working tomorrow." It wasn't.

    While doing some searches to see if anyone else was experiencing this, I ran across the perfect fix! Time Warner now has an app for the Roku box! In short, it let's your Roku act just like a standard cable box.

    I swung by Target on Friday night and picked up the Roku 3. Got home, plugged it in and it automatically updated it's firmware...AND...automatically downloaded the TW app! All I had to do was enter my TW account email address and password and it authenticated and popped up the program guide. The best part....I can now view ALL the HD channels I subscribe to on the Roku!

    Here's the link to the TW site where they tell you what models of the Roku that the app works with:


    Concerning the Roku box....I've had one since they first came out. Still have the original one and it works great. In comparison, the Roku 3 works FANTASTIC! The remote control is wireless, rather than infrared, so you can put the box anywhere (it is about the size of a deck of cards). The reaction time to buffer and start playing TW channels or Netflix movies is almost instantaneous. Love to see good technology get even better.

    I'll be bundling up the TW cable box and turning it in and saving my $10/month! 8)

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