Tips for a happy forum experience: 1. If the title of a thread is about a subject you don't like, don't read it. 2. If you do read a post that you don't like, just remember: responding is NOT mandatory. and my favorite: 3. If there is a poster who you can always count on to write stuff you know you won't like or agree with, there's a button called "Ignore Member". Voila! No more upset! I hope this information has been helpful.
For your information I was not just "posting" to start something. I can post what I want, when I want just like everyone else on this board. It's a PUBLIC forum. So, have a nice day!
:lol::lol::lol: And one more: If you post something you know is controversial, don't complain when people respond to it.
How about not assuming that someone is trying to be controversial when asking a question when they said they say they are just asking!! You do not have to respond or read a post if you do not like it..... If you do post you do not have to ALWAYS think on the negative side of everything! If you are happy being negative in life then that is a shame!
Agree with you so much! You did not say that you can not respond... you said tips to a HAPPY forum! Some people do not like being happy!
I am a very happy person and live my life like that, but when people post on a PUBLIC forum which this poster pointed out, then you should be ready for people to post what they think good or bad. I read all the threads, I post where I choose and do not always post negatively. But knowing this was in response to the thread they just posted I felt like adding my 2 cents! :lol: <--that's me being happy!
Ooh, ooh, I got one. How about this... If you're arrogant enough to post a set of rules, be humble enough to follow them yourself.
I don't recall Tam saying she was just asking. I do recall a post yesterday where you said you were just asking, and I tried to respond in that spirit. I do not recall saying anything negative in my response to you.
I'm not nagative. I'm positive the flare up between tams and mom2~1boy was worth a good two and a half chuckles.
shoot, that ain't nothing!!! there have been some doozies around this place a time or two....:jester: