Tips #'s 43 and 44 for Baking!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by nsanemom22, Mar 16, 2008.

  1. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    TIP #43 - A quicker and easy way to soften butter is to let it sit in the oven with the light on. The heat from the light will soften, but not melt the butter! This is also handy for bringing eggs to room temperature.

  2. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    LOL! Oh no you didn't! That is too funny!
  3. krattie

    krattie Well-Known Member

    Or you can always stick the stick of butter on a plate and put it outside on a sunny, hot and humid summer day to soften (in it's wrapper of course). Then once you remember it's out there you go back to get it, and the butter is now a liquid. Be careful bringing it inside the house and don't drip any on the carpet for the dog to lick up and proceed to continue licking until there is a hole in the carpet.
  4. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    Yes. I did. :oops: I caught it before it was fully heated but it was heated enough that I couldn't pick up what was left of the butter. Had to scrape it onto a plate and catch drippings as it went. And I had a good sized puddle in the bottom of the oven. *sigh*

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