My fiancee and I have Dish Network. We have had several of the receivers go out on us. You can hear it constantly running in the receiver and it wont receive a signal. This is the 4th time in a year that this has happened and they will send us a new box (that is REFURBISHED!) BUT in the meantime, we lose all the stuff we have recorded and are not able to watch tv. I guess the frustration comes also that we had been paying for all these HD channels and were only getting about 5. So last time we had the receiver problem he asked the guy about it and he was like, OH yeah, you should be getting alot of those HD channels, blah blah, sent a guy out here who did something to the dish itself, blamed it on the previous guy that was here the time before. It's to the point that we just want to get out the contract with DISH and try maybe DIRECTV. I guess my question is, has anybody else had this problem with these dern receivers?! As much as they charge you for their service it would be nice if it actually worked for months at a time without interruption! AAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!! :banghead: :beathorse: :banghead:
? How did you jump to that conclution? Providing an answer here may help some of us understand your other posts.
had this prob once, but dish network is still hellalot better than direct! the interface on directTV is not very user friendly.(i.e.: - when you're browsing thro channels while watching a show you have to arrow UP to channel DOWN, however if you are actually flipping the channels you arrow up to channel up! (i like consistency! i dont care what way you want to make, just make it consistent!!!!!!) - some screens don't have a back button and just exits you out of the whole thing, which is very frustrating when you are browsing thro and trying to get info on a show while your watching another show. then you want to just exit out of the info window and you cant.. it exits out of the browsing mode or whatever you call it. - unlike dish, you cant browse a category, such MOVIES, but you can browse movie CHANNELS. thus, if there is a movie on, say, ABC Fam (dubbed a Family and Kids channel) it will not show up in your search its boxes have become even more of a problem than dish had ever been (deciding what IT wants to record and what it doesn't, actually refusing to change channels for no good reason, DELETING chunks of recordings when there was already enough space available.) now to be fair, we have 2 of the direct TV boxes that actually record. one of them is just horrible and has a mind of its own. the other is ok, but likes to act up sometimes. I want to go back to dishnetwork so badly. only reason we have it is for baseball! just saying.. your sick of dish, i'm sick of direct. how bout we switch? :lol:
You really need to get out more and get around some folks with personality. Nobody should be that deficient with regards to detecting sarcasm.
You've reach a level of elitism around here Wulfy. Anytime you post you will be jumped on like a trampoline by the liberal portion of this board. Congrats.
Another option for you to explore ...
I had the same problem with my receiver going out with Direct TV and I went back to Time Warner and I am still happy with them. I don't think I will try satellite again.
What was humprous about someone asking a question and trying to get assistance? I suppose that says a lot about this group of "funny, funny people" .....
Nobody would expect sarcasm in this situtation, except maybe, on the middle school playground, but even that is doubtful because they have matured some by middle school.
We've had Dish for years and never had a problem with our receivers. Just upgraded to the HDTV one, works fine, no problems at all!! Maybe its your install guys? the two that came to our house were great. Did they switch out your dish when you went to HDTV?
We have had probs with the regular and HD receivers. They did install a new dish so now we have one on the roof, that doesnt work, and one on a dern pole in the backyard. I mean, I understand one maybe 2 receivers having a problem, but 4 now? I don't get it!
I can't help with the receiver problem, but can sympathize. We're about to get rid of Dish Network as well. We signed up about 2 months ago. When we ordered it we asked what it would cost to upgrade to HD once we bought a new TV. The phone salesperson said there would be no charge except for the $5 or so additional monthly fee, but definitely no charge for the upgrade itself or any new hardware (I think you need an HD dish or something). We confirmed this with the installation guy. So we went and bought an HDTV, called, and they told us it would be $100+ for the upgrade. We've spoken to at least half a dozen people out there and they won't stand behind the $0 that we were told. Right now they're supposedly reviewing the recordings of the conversation with the sales rep. Sure. So we're probably going to cancel them and then take them to small claims court to get rid of the early termination fee. What a waste.
i am on my 4th DVR with Time Warner, i sympathize with you losing your recordings, it is so frustrating:twisted:
Ours was not $100, more like $75 (I think) haven't rec'd first billing yet. And yes it does take a different dish, they took our old one, put a new one in its place. Sorry y'all are having problems - we've been very happy with ours....unless of course we get storms...ugh!
The guy that hooked up the new dish apparently didn't want to mess with the old one so he just left it. What a dinkus! I'm glad that some people have luck with Dish and that we aren't the only ones having problems with them. Not sure what fiancee will do tonight but I know he is gonna call them. Last night I even unplugged the thing cause it kept running so this morning I plugged it in and its been running ever since. I just don't get it!!