TO THOSE STUDENTS WHO FEEL THAT THEY ARE ABOVE THE LAW TO THOSE STUDENTS WHO THINK THEY CAN DRIVE FAST ABOVE THE POSTED SPEED LIMIT TO THE ON STUDENT THAT FELT THE NEED TO COME AROUND THE CURVE AT 75MPH IN A 55 MPH ZONE AT 3PM IN A RED TRUCK TO THIS STUDENT THAT HAD TO SLAM ON HIS BREAKS TO AVOID THE STOPPED SCHOOL BUS IN FRONT OF MY DRIVEWAY WHILE MY 8TH GRADER WAS GETTING OFF TO THIS STUDENT DRIVER WHO THEN LEFT 20' OF SKID MARKS RAN OFF THE ROAD ONTO OUR FARM & DROVE ALL OVER OUR PROPERTY DAMAGING OUR FARM TO FLEE THE SCENE SO THAT NO ONE CAN GET YOUR PLATE My daughter only takes the bus home maybe one day of the week. You could have killed her. God spared her that day. So now you are to scared to come back down my road. You afraid that when HP sits in my drive again you will get busted!!!!! You think you are above the law you think you can show off b/c you had some girls in your truck. Well you must be a big boy!! You keep driving like this boy & your time is coming if you don't kill someone else.
liBratz wrote You sure that you're describing a teenager? Sounds like some of the adults on here:lol:
yes, there was actually a witness that recognized the passenger. New the driver goes to WJHS but not sure of name. We are preceeding on with this matter. Parents need to know. Whether they do anything or not. Parents may not care but I hope that they do. Been down this road b4. Had a car totaled in my yard. Have had HP sitting in drive as well b4 due to teenage speeders. The only ones they did catch on those days were adults. I am on a road that runs parrallel with 210HWY so they cut through so that they don't have to sit in traffic. In the am it is horrible as the teenagers speed through b/c they are trying to get there last minute
spoken like a true, ummm, person that would make the first idiotic statement about being able to tell how people drive by the way they post. :-D
I drive with no hands just like Spongebob. Ok I am on some S.B. kick. Short one is watching it and the dang song keeps going through my head.
I guess I'm missing something. Are you not the first person that posted they could tell how someone drove by how they type? And then you commented that same person was an idiot?
ummm, yes you do have it wrong. I was NOT the one that said you could tell how someone drove by their driving skills, that was you and another poster. And then I came back with the remark that you can sure tell alot about how someone drives by how they type (SARCASM, HELLO?????) :? Then I proceeded to say that was an idiotic statement, what has the way some people act on here have anything to do with how they drive.....??? Thats a stupid thing to say. :shock:
I think you need to start over. You have made an assumption which you are incorrect in. What Raven and I were referring to has been a topic on this forum for many years.