To the woman in the mazda 6 at Food Lion...

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by smiles, Jul 19, 2009.

  1. smiles

    smiles Well-Known Member 210 around 5 tonight:

    You are an idiot. Absolute idiot. You don't deserve to own a dog.

    Did you really think 89 degrees made it okay to leave your little dog in the back of the car while you went inside the store? Maybe the excessive amount of hair coloring you use to get that blonde shade has killed a few too many brain cells. Maybe you don't really care about the dog except as a Paris Hilton accessory. Maybe you thought it wouldn't matter if you were only inside for a few minutes. After all, you cracked the window about 2 inches!

    If you are going to the store, leave the dog at home. It's safer for the dog and doesn't broadcast your stupidity to the world.
  2. dbs241

    dbs241 Well-Known Member

    I'm so glad it wasn't me! You're absolutely right. Even on a day where it's 'only' 89 degrees, the temp in the car can really soar in just a very few minutes to deadly temps. Someone that stupid really shouldn't advertise it by locking their dog in the car. By any chance, did you call the cops? She probably would've been gone anyway by the time they could've gotten there. I hate stupid people, especially stupid pet owners.
  3. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    The State Fire Marshal encourages anyone who sees a pet locked in a car unattended to call 9-1-1. Maybe if they get a citation from a police officer, they'll think twice the next time.
  4. smiles

    smiles Well-Known Member

    If I contact them with the license plate #, can they do anything about it? I was leaving when she was parking, leaving dog, and going inside. I didn't want what happened to someone else at Lowe's to take place since I had children in my car who don't need to witness a confrontation.
  5. Steeler_Fan

    Steeler_Fan Well-Known Member

    I see people with pets in the cars all the time in this hot weather. Unless your taking your pet to Petsmart or dog park, leave your pets at home. :banghead:
  6. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    You can call with the license plate and the call will go out. The only problem is the timing of whether the person will still be there or not. It's tricky trying to balance wanting to help and wanting to keep yourself and/or kids safe from a confrontation. But I would say absolutely the first thing to do would be to call. And then maybe even leave a note on the car saying that you called so that even if the cops don't show up in time the person may think twice about doing it again.
  7. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    I'd think twice about approaching someone directly, because people can be, well...nuts. Then, too, you can get into a confrontation and wind up going to jail yourself if you're not careful. If its an encouraged thing to report unattended pets to police, then that is the appropriate thing to do. You have access to their license plate number without having to physically put your hands on their vehicle.

    Often you'll see pets in cars when people are traveling with the animals and want to go into a restaurant or store wheren they aren't allowed. If you travel with your pets, a person should either leave them with a kennel at home or buy a pickup truck and a portable kennel at the very least.
  8. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    To the stupid people...would you leave your kid in the car when it's 90 degrees? (not that you should leave your kids in the car period, but I'm just saying...) I don't understand why people do the things they do.

    I'll bet these stupid people wouldn't sit in the car when it's 90 without A/C going, why would a furry animal want to? Poor doggie.
  9. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    And would you let your kid sit in the front seat unrestrained with their paws, uh I mean hands up in the dash? Duh.....

    Anyways, it was pretty darn hot around 5PM. Shame on them.
  10. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    You should have gotten in the car, rolled down the windows.......... and moved it away from the entrance.

  11. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    ugh, the only thing i can say that is allowable on this board about this subject is:evil::evil::evil:
  12. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    actually you can say 'stupid twit' 8)
  13. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Oh, how I've dreamed about doing that with people who insist on pumping their gas and then going inside the convenient stores with their stereo continuously pumpin'.
  14. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    It would be tempting if their window were down to reach inside and turn it down. If you didn't have to worry about getting caught and shot in this day and age.

    I'll tell you what I *do* do though when I come across people that think you enjoy their music as much as them, be it at the gas station or a light. I pop in one of my girls' toddler CDs and blast The Wheels on the Bus, Old McDonald Had a Farm, BINGO, etc.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2009

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