My daughter is 17 and getting ready to begin her Junior year in High School this July. (She goes to year-round school). She wants to join the service...only she's not sure which branch would offer the best path for her. Of course we will speak with recruiters, but we also understand they will be telling her the best of their specific branch of armed services. She isn't absolutely sure what she wants to do with her life at this point, but she is becoming very fluent in Japanese and loves studying other cultures. She is very bright and has a knack with Math and Science (she didn't get that from me, I can tell you. ). She also wants very much to travel. She has always had a deep respect for my dad and his service in the Air Force, but neither she nor I want her decision to be based on what "Grandado" did. She wants to make the best decision for herself. I'm very proud of her desire to serve, and want to help her make as informed a decision as I possibly can...while making sure the decision is indeed hers. Any suggestions or information from veterans and their families here that might help us learn a bit more about the pros and cons of each branch would be very much appreciated. Thanks!
if your daughter expressed interest in joining a large corporation would you counsel her to join one with the type of upper management problems that the US military is currently experiencing?
Wow, you must be very proud of her. I admire her heart for service and her patriotism. My two boys talk occasionally about joining up. There are several men and women in my church who served in the military (in all the branches) and I told my boys that I will support whatever choice they make, but it needs to be an informed choice (sounds like what you are doing)...I told them who to talk to and to ask those men and women to give them the full story...what they'd do the same or what they'd do differently. I hope your daughter gets to do something that she enjoys and gives her a sense of purpose beyond herself!
My son is planning on the Air Force. I grew up military and have been a military daughter and spouse (ex was in the Navy), and will soon be a military mother. My dad retired from the Army after 22 years. I suggest her talking to each recruiter, let them know that you don't want any of the BS, just the facts. Have them really explain what happens at bootcamp and make sure they put things in writing. After talking to the recuriter, I suggest doing some research. The military isn't for everyone nor is a particular branch of the military. Some people have good experiences in one branch and others can tell you their bad experiences. A person needs to go into it with the right attitude. She needs to understand that once she signs up, she is in for the duration of her of her enlistment. If she goes into one thing and does not like it, usually after a year she can change her MOS. I found with talking to the recuriters that letting them know that I came from a military back ground and didn't want any BS helped. Also make sure you ask lots of questions. I wish her well in whatever she chooses to do!
I wish her much success. My own experience is not recent enough to be very helpful, I'm afraid, but I will say that through my military service, I traveled, met people, made good friends, and was able to get an education; and of course, met my husband with whom I shared 41 great years, many of those as an Army wife. You already know what to do - have her talk with people with a variety of experiences, including all the recruiters, and bear in mind that each one is going to cast their own branch of service in the best light. And, I can't stress enough, if they make any promises, get it in writing. Best of luck to your daughter.
I come from a military family. My father was Air Force, I served 4 years in the Navy and 2 in the Army, and I've had a lot of other family members that have served. If your daughter wants to serve, she should look into a job that she has an interest in whether it's language, science, health, etc. I worked on aircraft electronics for the Navy, my step son worked on nuclear reactors, and my father was a military policeman. There are lots of jobs available for her to learn based on her interest and aptitude. If she has any questions, I'll be happy to talk to her, just drop me a pm. Mike
I was in the Navy, and I would tell anyone looking to join to look at the Navy. Good luck with any choice she makes
My husband and I both joined the Army after high school. It was 20 years ago and not as much was going on in the world. I loved it. It was the best thing for me, helped me mature, prepared me for the real world, while taking care of me at the same time. We got to travel and see the world. I miss the 'big family' feel of being in the Army. I would be nervous now with all the conflicts/wars etc going on.