As some of you know, my mother, Marian, was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in November 2006. Since then she has had major surgery and a difficult course of chemotherapy and is now, thankfully, in remission. She is also participating in a new drug study that we hope will keep her in remission. Her surgery and treatments have all been performed at the amazing Duke Cancer Center. I am walking with my team, Marian’s Marchers, in the Gail Parkins Memorial Ovarian Awareness Walk on September 15, 2007 to support ovarian cancer research at the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center. All proceeds raised will go toward cancer research at the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center that will help provide new and more effective treatments for the thousands of ovarian cancer patients. Cancer is second only to heart disease as the leading cause of death in the United States. Over 25,000 new cases of ovarian cancer are diagnosed every year. This year alone, the American Cancer Society predicts there to be 16,200 deaths due to ovarian cancer. Clearly, more research is needed to find new and more effective ways to fight this disease. I am hoping you are able to help us raise the funds needed to make a difference. If you are able to support our team and the cancer center by donating, you may do so online at (please note our team Marian’s Marchers) or you may send your contributions to: Faye Prosser PO Box 1688 Clayton, NC 27528 I will then forward contributions to the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center. Please make checks payable to Duke CCC – 08OW. Contributions raised through the Gail Parkins Memorial Ovarian Awareness Walk are tax deductible as a charitable contribution. If you are interested in walking with our team at Sanderson High School in Raleigh on Sept. 15, please contact me at We would love to have you join us! Thank you in advance for your consideration! Warmest Regards, Faye
Faye, Can the kids walk? Can I bring the stoller? You know I stay broke with two kids, lol, but I'd love to walk this with you!
I am sure you can!! I do this for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society and we welcome all walkers/runners! It's a great thing to take your kids to....AND for a good cause!
Thanks, Jen! We would LOVE to have you walk with us! My girls are walking and mom is going to walk as far as her energy lets her. The walk is only 2 miles and I am guessing it is at the track so I am sure the stroller will be fine. I will double check, but I can't imagine it would be an issue. Feel free to forward my message to any and everyone you know. According to the site below, "Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death from gynecologic cancers in the United States, and is the fifth leading cause of cancer death among U.S. women." It is also difficult to diagnose in the early stages. Most women do not know they have it until they have symptoms, which often means they are already in Stage 3 of the disease (as is the case with my mother). Many doctors misdiagnose because there are no good screening tools at this time, like there are with the PSA for prostate cancer. The symptoms of OV often include fatigue, back and stomach pain so doctors spend lots of time ruling out other ailments before they finally send women for a CA-125 (which misses half of early cancers) and an ultrasound. The research Duke is doing may end up helping you, your mother, your daughters, and their daughters. I certainly hope it will help my girls from going through what my mother has experienced. Here is a link to more info on Ovarian Cancer, the symptoms and the research:
I did this for a friend last year. They held several events but the big one was held at the high school in Zebulon.They held a 24 hour walk around the track. It was extremely humbling. Around 9 or 10 pm they held a moment of silence and a guy played Amazing Grace solo on bagpipes. Faye, May God bless your family.
That is AWESOME!! Thanks for sharing that photo! To say this is humbling, is an understatement. I guarantee you, the one common thread we all possess, is, unfortunately, the 'C' word.
LOL KT... "humbling" is all I could come up with with my mom on the phone and a 7 yo sitting in my lap. Here's a positive idea - Every one should start to think of the C word as Cure. :-( And apologies to you Faye, this isn't meant as a hijack.
No apologies needed, nsane. I totally agree with you. And thank you for the kind words KT. I appreciate it. This whole ordeal has been very humbling indeed.
Thanks for the bump, Jen. Our team has raised over $2000 and we are still accepting donations. The info is in the original post if you are so inclined. Thank you to those who have e-mailed me privately with your words of encouragement and support. Mom is even planning to walk and has been gaining strength walking on the treadmill each day. Go Team!