Top 5 Places With Fast-Falling Home Prices

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ncmom, Apr 22, 2009.

  1. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member;_ylc=X3oDMTFuc2lqbWltBF9TAzI3MTYxNDkEX3MDOTc2MjA0NjUEc2VjA2ZwLXRvZGF5BHNsawNsb3ctcmVhbC1lc3RhdGU-

    Top 5 Places With Fast-Falling Home Prices
    1. Raleigh, N.C.
    (Raleigh-Cary metro area)
    2008 Population: 1,088,765
    2007-2008 Change: 4.29%

    2. Austin, Texas
    (Austin-Round Rock metro area)
    2008 Population: 1,652,602
    2007-2008 Change: 3.77%

    3. Charlotte, N.C.
    (Charlotte-Gastonia-Concord, N.C.-S.C., metro area)
    2008 Population: 1,701,799
    2007-2008 Change: 3.36%

    4. Phoenix, Ariz.
    (Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale metro area)
    2008 Population: 4,281,899
    2007-2008 Change: 2.78%

    5. Dallas, Texas
    (Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington metro area)
    2008 Population: 6,300,006
    2007-2008 Change: 2.38%
  2. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Statistics depend on baseline values. There are so many variables applicable to this scenario, that one can easily get tripped up in the math.

    Contrast this with reports that the decline in RDU area is so much less than other areas.

    One can either reach conclusions using double negative statement or a positive one.

    To me, it reads as if the decline happened in these areas later than in others, which is why it's noteworthy, now.

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