only works for gps enabled phones(most are). Do not use this if you are not ready for the shock of your day! May not be appropiate for all users!
Oh you are BAD!! I turned my sound down because I thought something was going to pop up on the screen and scare me... wasn't prepared for that... my 5 year old daughter was in the room. I've never closed a window so fast in my life!!!!!
I agree, the OP needs to delete the link. This could have been amusing, if posted in the Neighborhood and with a warning that it is not workplace-friendly. Of course that would have given away the fact that it was a joke, but who really expected it to be anything else?
Funny thing is cell phones can be "ping" to a pin point location... and I mean pin point! No Joke - I found this out a while back and it is pretty creepy.:shock: