Just received a newsletter in the mail today from NCDOT. "NCDOT is investigating various alternatives to improve traffic flow through the I-40/NC 42 interchange and surrounding roadway network just south of Raleigh in Johnston County. The project is not yet funded. However, NCDOT recognizes its importance and desires to initiate advanced studies so that a recommended solution is ready should funding become available." "A Citizens Informational Workshop will be held on April 17, 2008 at the West View Elementary School located at 11755 Cleveland Road from 4-7pm. The purpose of this meeting is to provide information on the study and to listen to your concerns and suggestions on the proposed project." Look for your newsletter in the mail, if you didn't receive one and would like more info, you can call the study's toll-free hotline at 1-800-349-3721.
The study area shown in the newsletter consists of the 40/42 exit and 42 west only. I wish it also included the stretch of 42 heading past the new proposed Wal-mart and towards downtown Clayton. However, it starts around the exit (Smithfield Barbeque) and heads towards CVS. My thought is if you don't live near that area, you may not have received one?
I received one and I live on Cornwallis Rd. I seem to remember a note about an additional interchange on Cornwallis- I don't know if that would be off I-40 or off the new 70 bypass close to New Bethel Rd.
We got one too. I think it would be down where Cornwalis goes across (bridge) I40, down past the middle school, before you get to ODS rd area.
From reading through the newsletter, it looks like they will be studying other intersections in the area, maybe they will go out to NC 42 at Cornwallis. The interchange is shown where Cornwallis crosses I-40.
I'll be there! Someone told me the N&O reported the meeting was a "drop-in" style session, that if you can't be there right at 4 to stop in later. Good news for me, I was dreading a 3 hour meeting!
Meeting is today, anyone planning on going? I encourage you to participate in this meeting, I think this might be our change to provide some input, and let DOT know how bad traffic is in this area.
there was no meeting for input... just looking at maps and future proposals... there are people there to answer questions....that's about it if you received the paper in the mail, then you already know everything that they were showing.
When I arrived, they were handing out questionnaires for people to complete with their comments and suggestions. I heard the DOT District Engineer for Johnston County say he hoped the NC DOT would consider adding the 42/Cornwallis intersection as part of the study (& the area below the new Walmart), but at this point it's not. I sensed he was hoping residents would show up requesting the same thing. I hated learning that IF improvements are made to Highway 40 and 42 interchange, it sure isn't going to happen quickly. It's my understanding that the Study won't be finished until 2010- with construction possibly taking another 3-5 years... and that's IF funding is available to complete it. Guess our accidents and death toll numbers just aren't high enough yet for anything to be done. :evil: If you have any comments regarding the project, please mail them to: I-40 Access Improvements in the Vicinity of the Existing NC 42 Interchange Ms. Andrea Dvorak-Grantz, AICP Mr. Paul Koch, PE, AICP Stantec Consulting Service Inc. 801 Jones Franklin Road, Suite 300 Raleigh, NC 27606 You can also request to be added to the mail list to receive future newsletters.
I haven't scanned ALL the posts, so it may be somewhere. Will Bethel Church EVER be opened to 50 again or not?