Traffic lights at McGee's Crossroads

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by sokieguy, Mar 31, 2009.

  1. sokieguy

    sokieguy Active Member

    Does anyone know anyone with the NCDOT or Johnston County who can adjust the traffic lights at McGee's Crossroads Hwy 210 needs to be set to master, it would GREATLY improve the flow of traffic through this intersection, currently Hwy 50 appears to be set to master, as soon as any cars from hwy 210 clear the intersection, the light immediately goes to green for hwy 50. I have seen several instances where numerous cars are backed up going both directions on 210 and no one on hwy 50 and cars just sit and wait, then if someone is not going as fast as the car in front of them through the intersection, the light will change back to red and start the backup all over again, this especially happens with big trucks. I believe the flow of traffic on 210 would improve greatly if they simply just change the flow of the lights, it appears with all the new growth that 210 has quite a bit more traffic now than hwy 50, maybe years ago this wasn't the case when the lights were originally installed, but I believe this needs to be seriously looked at.
  2. Sporadic2000

    Sporadic2000 Well-Known Member

    While we are on the subject of lights. Why do they put so many lights at one stop on a one lane road. Do they think we're stupid or are they just trying to waste money?

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