I'm thinking we need some serious "in house" training for our almost 5 year old english bulldog. He went thru the puppy training sessions at Petsmart during his first 12-18 months and as long as he is around just me and my hubby, he is your typical lazy bulldog that eats and sleeps. I mean he will literally sit on the couch for 12 hours snoring. We have to make him go for a walk even. THe problem we are having is when anyone else is around. We lose all control of him. He won't obey our commands or hand signals, both of which he is aware of becuase he does them when it's just hubby and myself around. But around people he just goes berserk jumping all over them. He barks incessantly and ferociously when anyone comes to our door(funny this is the only thing in life he will bark at). When someone comes to our house unexpectedly he jumps all over them and NOTHING we have tried will break him of it. He tries to lick water squirted at him. If you turn around with your arms crossed he jumps you from behind and starts humping and at 55lbs will literally knock you over. If you try to raise a knee to his chest he feels no pain and just gets more excited. I don't know what is up with the humping, but it is awful and he was fixed at about 6 mos when our vet recommended it, he's just always done it particularly with males. I particularly want to break him of this as he is 55lbs of compact, pure muscle and well, it is just embarrassing But recently, we've noticed he doesn't play as well with other dogs as he used to. He is not as submissive and instead jumps on their backs and tries the humping, which really angers other dogs when we take him for walks so we end up not letting him play because he won't stop. Now we've never been told he is bad at daycamp, in fact, they love him and say he does well, he's just a handful. So perhaps this is just something he does when we have him on a leash while we're walking?? I'm just at a loss for how the switch flips and he's a completely different and uncontrollable dog with other people than around just me and DH and I'm tired of having to cart his 50lb butt upstairs when company comes or when someone rings our doorbell or dealing with his barking from upstairs when we have friends for dinner, etc. I truly cannot explain what takes over him but I just want my doggie to be calm and well behaved around others for our sanity and their safety. I've read and watched the dog whisperer and let me tell you, those dogs are well behaved around other people compared to mine. And we've tried it all at home. I'm just ready for a professional solution and due to how he acts with others around, I don't think a group session would be the best option. Any suggestions are welcomed. Thanks and sorry so long
Ditto!! Drop Zookeeper (2 Paws Up) a PM or call her cell at 291-9755. She specializes in doggie obedience and problem behavior correction in your home. She is GREAT at working with the dogs and getting results!! She's the Jo Co Dog Whisperer!