Dozens trapped on roller coaster in California - 100 feet in the air. Scary,0,5060220.story
Wow - i remember being trapped on the top of a ferris wheel when i was a kid and to this day, while i love rollercoasters and anything else fast, i will not get on a ferris wheel
I don't know, I think I might prefer this to the 40+ folks who got trapped on a plane this last weekend. I have been grounded on the tarmac for 3 hours earlier this year and came close to throwing in the towel.
I have been to this park and gosh knows maybe even THIS coaster. It's not far from where I am staying right now. Those poor people!! :shock:
the ad before the video played was for wienerschnitzel's dipped cone. It said something like that there wasn't anything a dipped cone couldn't fix. I lold. But then i was sad for the people on the coaster.
My in-laws who live in CA were just on this coaster two weeks ago! My sister-in-law got a video of my mother-in-law sitting beside her the whole ride just screaming her head off. No way you would get me on that thing! :shock: :ack: