Travelling to WA state--how cheap...

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Abdulina, Jul 11, 2008.

  1. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    can we go??? Okay, so we have a wonderful opportunity to attend a much needed workshop/ conference camp for some of our kids w/ a specific disability. This would provide us w/ invaluable information to help our children and for their future. In the meantime, we have to figure out how in the world to get there. Price of gas...yikes! Some questions. Renting an RV is out b/c gas mileage is horrible and we checked into the rental prices. This would be for the last week in August. We have an 11 passenger van. Calculated it out roughly and it would be around $1600 just in gas. Flying for 9 is out, I'm sure. But then again, if we fly, we don't have to pay for hotel stops. Minimum of 2 rooms when we book a hotel. So questions for you all....

    1) Has anyone ever driven from here to WA and if so, how long did it take you?
    2) Has anyone ever taken the train a long distance? If so, what are costs like?
    3) Anyone know of a dirt cheap way of getting to WA state other than attaching helium ballons to our backs--LOL?
    4) Any suggestions on a cost effective way to go, please let me know.

    We'd love to make this but are really trying to calculate if it is even possible at this point. And yes, the kids have to go to this as well. Thanks in advance for any ideas, suggestions, past ,learned experiences, etc.

    Take care,

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  2. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    On Orbitz 2 Adults and 7 adolescents from RDU to Seattle, WA Leaving 9/7 an coming back later that week I get a total airfare of $ 2969.91 with taxes on Northwest Airlines.

    Guessed on the dates - but lots of time and wear & tear saved going this route. Talking to the airline direct and being flexible might reduce it more.
  3. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    If you talk to the airline direct, I wonder if you could qualify for any kind of a "group" discount?? Or maybe a group discount if you book the really bad red-eye flights... usually horrible hours, but better prices sometimes.
  4. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    My little sis drove from Fl to Wa.... took her 5 days driving 12 hours a day.

    From here to her house is 2900 miles!!

    Sorry no good ideas.... did you check train rates? At least that way you can get up and walk around and play games with the kids on the ride....

  5. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Amtrak limits travel to 2 children per adult, also a very unfriendly website (accessible through Orbitz).
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2008
  6. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Can you fly jetblue? Sometimes their rates are cheaper, and at least the kids can watch their own tv while flying. Also, instead of renting a hotel, maybe you could find a house to rent, you'd be surprised on how cheap you could get one sometimes! I rent mine for $125/night, plus cleaning, but it sleeps up to 12 people, which would equal 3 hotel rooms. (4 in each) You can check or craigslist for the area you're looking at.
  7. CakePrincess

    CakePrincess Well-Known Member

    How about campground? Some might have cabins, like KOA and Yogi Bear Jellystone Park. For transportation, how about Greyhound bus line?
  8. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    You've got to be kidding me!!! 2 kids per adult?! I never knew that and will definitely ask just to be sure. We're going to look into the train and cost compare. I honestly don't think we could make the drive. We did 15 hours(lots of construction traffic) up to NY a few years ago w/ 5 kids for a wedding. Swore we'd never do it again! So, just don't know. We do camping but we'd have to strategically map that out. Plus, one has bathroom issues so makes it very difficult. Keep the ideas coming though. I will check on the train soon. Thanks ljk for the estimation on time. We couldn't do 5 days there and 5 days back and the week in between for the conference due to work. Going to check out some more air travel fares. It's not looking good though. Urghh, if only they had this on the eastcoast too.

    Thanks again for all the input and ideas. Keep them coming. YOu all are great for resources.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  9. mommyw2girls

    mommyw2girls Guest

    This prob wont help, but my sis did it about 2 years ago with 4 kids. (from WA to NC) The price of gas was cheaper at the time. She drove about 10 hours a day and did it in 6 or 7 days (I don't remember exact but I do remember it was about a week). She bought the cheapest food she could. Instead of the kids each getting a happy meal she bought value priced and they split the food. Nobody went hungry they just went without a toy! She didn't get hotels in advanced she went to decent low cost hotels along the way. She also packed snacks and drinks in advanced and took a lot of road games and crafts for the kids to work on. Another thing she did was she had a special snack bin (her kids don't get a lot of candy) and everytime they crossed into a new state the kids were allowed a special snack.
  10. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Stay home!

    Sounds stressful enough just reading it. (HG / no kids) :hurray:

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