I applaud the company that owns these two malls for not allowing anyone to pass out any political crap or try and get my vote. I don't go to the mall to be annoyed by Obamites or McCainiacs. I go to get my Cinnabon like every other person and to realize how much older I am with every visit. http://www.wral.com/news/local/politics/story/3765028/ Elephants, donkeys get together to protest malls' campaining ban Early voting, polling place, voting, voters, polls Posted: Oct. 18, 2008 Updated: Today at 9:48 a.m. Raleigh, N.C. — Amid record early voting in North Carolina, a protest against electioneering rules drew Republicans and Democrats together at polling places at two Wake County malls Saturday. The parties held joint gatherings at Triangle Town Center in Raleigh and Cary Towne Center to protest a company ban on campaigning anywhere on mall property. "The two malls are the only ones with no electioneering," Doris Weaver, with the Wake County Democratic Party, said. The malls, owned by the same company, do not allow candidates or anyone else to campaign on the grounds, including parking lots. Mall rules do not allow people to pass out pamphlets without prior permission. State law permits campaigning at least 50 feet beyond voting sites. Wake County Board of Election officials said that they agreed in July to allow the malls an exception to that rule. Members of both parties said the malls' ban is not fair – and comes at a particularly bad time. “I think both Democrats and Republicans agree that this is the most important election of a generation – maybe ever,” David Robinson, chairman of the Wake County Republican Party, said. “I’ve been a candidate and I’ve worked for the Democratic Party for 30 years, and this is the first time I’ve ever been blocked for advocating my candidate at the polls,” Linda Gunter said. Statewide, 214,000 voters braved hours-long lines to cast their ballots on the first two days of early voting. So far, the numbers have clearly favored Democrats. Some 62 percent of voters who have cast a ballot in early voting are registered with the party. Only 22 percent are registered Republicans. By comparison, about 46 percent of all registered voters in the state are declared Democrats, while 32 percent are with the GOP. Amy Black, 40, of Kernersville, said she is not concerned by the low early turnout of registered Republicans like herself. She plans to early vote next week to beat the lines. "It's only been two days," she said, after attending a rally for Republican presidential nominee John McCain in Concord. The state GOP says that many Democrats and independents in North Carolina – where President Bush won by 12 points four years ago – might trend to McCain. Voters in the state generally prefer Democrats for state offices and Republicans to hold national seats. Athough Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama pushed voters to the polls on opening day, the Republicans are planning a number of political events in the upcoming week to emphasize the voting option. They have also invested in mail-in absentee balloting. Elections officials and campaign observers expect that one-third of North Carolina voters could go to the polls before Election Day. In the Triangle, one-stop voting sites at the malls, Pullen Arts Center and the Chavis Community Center were scheduled to be closed Monday through Wednesday, but officials said Saturday they will be open and remain so until early voting ends on Nov. 1, Wake County Board of Elections officials said. Monday through Wednesday, the locations will be open 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Additional early voting locations in Wake County will open on Thursday.
I agree. It's their property and they can do what they want. Some moron on TV last night said "free speech" is more important than "property rights." He couldn't have been more incorrect and most likely a Democrat.
:iagree: I go there for sbarros or a little shopping at times , really cant stand the malls but a sale is a sale , 8) I dont want to be annoyed by Obamites or McCainiacs either ..:x I have never heard of this before , Has it happend ? Or is this the first time ?
Well I guess it's always been the policy but with the presidential election only coming every four years, it gets forgotten. I have no idea what Crabtree and Southpoint's policies are. BTW, I may take an anti-Bev Perdue sticker. That woman just oozes annoying BS.:jester:
To me, if I am casting a ballot at the place then I might want to talk to a candidate or two before entering. Are we still in America? Geez, Sherry
Yes, we are. The malls are private property and able to operate under their own rules. God Bless America!
If you don't know who you are voting for before arriving at the polls then you have no business voting.
I agree with Sherry. We should be voting on public property. Or at least have an agreement with the private property owners as to what is AND isn't acceptable as far as campaigning rules. They're probably isn't enough public property that can accommodate large numbers of voters (wishful thinking as far as the numbers) so we should have agreements in place to deal with situations like this. I hope that my candidate for POTUST wins but I would much rather see closer to 100% voter turnout. We all complain but we don't all vote. We have soldiers giving their lives for the Iraqy people to have a vote and we dishonor them by sitting home on election day. Whether you're for or against the war, it doesn't change the fact that we have our loved ones there....giving their lives....and we sit on our hands. Have a voice! VOTE! Sorry, I got off subject.
Have you seen interviews on television with undecided voters? Some people, who are going to vote, are stating that they will make their decision when the enter the booth. I believe they have every right to do that and those hardworking people who stand 50 feet outside answering questions and talking to people may answer some last minute questions those folks have. My opinion, Sherry