I'm from New Jersey where Trick or Treat day is usually the Saturday before Halloween in the daytime..with a set time(2-5, etc.). So I'm just wondering if there is a "set" time from Trick or Treat on Friday?? I'm in the Twisted Oaks/Hunters Mill subdivision off Josephine. THANKS!
i am recommending that our neighboorhood adopt the chapel hill rule this year. "no outsiders allowed in". i used to love halloween. seeing all the neighboorhood kids dressed up and excited. talking with the parents as they walk with their kids. now we have truck and trailer loads of outsiders coming into the area. some of the parents can't even speak english. where is bissell when i need him? i believe they will have to trick me this year.
I'm with you Barney, except I don't know the language of all the occupants of the SUVs/trucks/vans/cars that come into our neighborhood. My complaint is that all the durn traffic has made it unsafe for us to walk with our kids in our OWN subdivision! :x Because of this we stopped trick-or-treating a couple of years ago and now go trunk-or-treating at our church where there is NO MOVING TRAFFIC and the kids are safe.
LOL!! These churches will take the non subdivision people and the ones who live in one too! ha ha ha Come to a Hootenanny http://www.highlandbaptistchurch.org/hootananny.htm or And the Capital Church on 70 http://www.thecapitalchurch.org/event_list.cfm?id=156 or FREE for both! Food, games, bouncey house(s), music, hayrides.... And the Raleigh First Church of the Nazarene on Hwy 70 Hallelujah House Friday, Oct 31 7:00p
That's mighty neighborly of you. :? If you don't want to have trick or treaters, just turn off your light. Geez. Yeah, there is always someone whose going to take advantage, but by and large, most are just having fun, same as anyone else. I leave my light on and leave out candy, but no one ever comes up my driveway, I guess I am too far off the road. I miss having trick or treaters. :?
Well, around here ( ), we actually celebrate Halloween on Halloween and we'll continue to do so until enough people have moved in that our crime rate is through the roof. Then we'll switch to a convenient day for everyone, sometime during the day when crime is less likely to occur. At that time, feel free to move to another nice community and ruin it.
For me it isn't the people coming into our subdivision, it's the vehicles. It would be nice if they would park along a street and walk with their kids instead of driving from house to house, kwim? You have to experience it to understand what I'm talking about, it's just so frustrating to have the traffic.
we always park and ride. but this year I think we may go to some of the smaller subs. We usually go to Riverwood but it has been getting way to crowded!
We're going to a church thing first, and then we're going around our neighborhood and the adjoining one, and we may pop up to Kaci & Red's neighborhood so the kids can see Kaci's front yard graveyard, lol....