I've had about 8 hours of sleep in the last three days. Any one here have experience with Tryptophan? Other than the traditional self stuffing of the turkey? I've read all the reports I could find but I don't know any one that's used it. Calgon .... does not work! Half the time ambein doesn't either. :evil: And I hear I'm starting to act a little grumpy. :shock:
Nah... I love the history channel. And the Biography channel. And Discovery/DiscoveryHealth. And A&E. Even OVA from time to time. Shut up. :lol: Almost anything in documentary like... Can't do the military channel though...
Haven't tried tryptophan, other than when eating turkey but melatonin works pretty good for me. I'm not as bad as you, but have trouble sleeping a few nights a week. If I've had a few bad nights in a row I take a liquid melatonin mixed with calcium, and I knock out pretty fast. I sometimes have a fuzzy-headed hangover and a bit of a headache the next morning but it's worth it to me for the sleep. Have you tried it?
Seriously, nsane, have you tried the Advil PM? Works great and no hangover the next morning. I've had some bouts with insomnia over the past year, so far it's worked the best.
Milk is supposed to have tryptophan in it, too (that's part of why 'warm milk' is the old way to settle down)....and a really warm bath about half an hour or so before you want to sleep...don't go for a walk after supper, that just wakes up your metabolism. When I have a rough time, I'll take one Benadryl tablet (I think that is the PM part of Tylenol PM) (I don't take Tylenol...that stuff's bad for your liver)... hope you find help soon...sweet dreams!
:shock: .... hmmm ...EAR PLUGS! There's a thought!! We have this white noise machine (is that racist? I have pink noise and binaural beats on ipod... ..theta w/delta beat...brain entrainment.. even whale dreaming and Japanese flute - but not together...reiki...) So , we have this noise machine that DH keeps so loud it sounds like a friggin jet engine. :evil: I heart my ipod. See. Now I'm getting stupid and telling all my secrets. I neeeed sleeeeeep!
And! And! Don't eat apples before bed! They are as stimulating as coffee. ..Or so I hear. I do do all my walking/exercise what ever in the mornings. 'Sides, skeeters are out at night. And Tylenol?! nup. Never. DH makes APAP, the main ingredient in tylenol. To hear him tell it, rat poison is safer... Yeah, me and benedryl go way back. I grew up thinking it was normal, that it took EVERYone at LEAST an hour to fall asleep. ....aaaannnnd BOOM! The loviliness of xanax kisck in. :mrgreen: No, no.. I know.. they ar addictive as all get out. I get a script og 30 refilled maybe every four months. Good night my dears :mrgreen: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzhopinghopinghopingzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
L-Tryptophan supplements were pulled from the market after it was found to cause a blood disorder called eosinophilia(I think). You won't get OD'd from turkey but the supplements were bad. Try Valerian Root, it comes in capsules. It has a mild calming effect and helps me sleep,. It does smell bad however.
I hear that as we age we do not require as much sleep:lol: Maybe just get up and go drink coffee with the old people at some of the local conv. stores:lol: Duck and run:lol: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:
Take 2 Tylenol PM's and call me in the morning! I take those, or I take 1 of those and 1 bendadryl...and I am out like a light!
They have the same active ingredient, and the Tylenol PM is cheaper, and even better actually, is the BJ's brand of the Tylenol PM, I think I bought a bottle of 500 for about $13. They work just as good as Tylenol PM to me.
don't eat bananas before bed I hear you aren't supposed to eat bananas before bed because they will cause you to have nightmares. I guess if there is any truth to that than it could at least cause a restless night's sleep. Good luck catching some zzzzzzzzzs! DBs wife
Thanks y'all ... Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome. But: http://www.drugs.com/mtm/l-tryptophan.html And: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=pubmed&uid=16053244&cmd=showdetailview&indexed=google And: http://www.citizens.org/consumer-corner/the-return-of-l-tryptophan I read that there were some cases of EMS before & after the contamination incidence, and the exact cause of the contamination has not been identified. Also, on a rather interesting note, I read that autistic children have/had lower than normal levels of tryptophan than non autistic children. So. I'm still doing homework. I'll add valerian to my homework list. Veeeerry interesting! http://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/valerian.asp Valerian has been used as a medicinal herb since at least the time of ancient Greece and Rome. Its therapeutic uses were described by Hippocrates, and in the 2nd century, Galen prescribed valerian for insomnia [5,7]. In the 16th century, it was used to treat nervousness, trembling, headaches, and heart palpitations [8]. In the mid-19th century, valerian was considered a stimulant that caused some of the same complaints it is thought to treat and was generally held in low esteem as a medicinal herb [2]. During World War II, it was used in England to relieve the stress of air raids [9]. Here is a nice link for checking drug interactions, if any one is interested http://www.drugdigest.org/DD/Interaction/ChooseDrugs/1,4109,,00.html