Cities with the Best Teeth 1 Madison, WI 2 Nashville, TN 3 Raleigh, NC 4 St. Paul, MN 5 Aurora, CO 6 Charlotte, NC 7 Yonkers, NY 8 Grand Rapids, MI 9 Fargo, ND 10 Minneapolis, MN Cities with the Worst Teeth 100 Lubbock, TX 99 Philadelphia, PA 98 Spokane, WA 97 Salt Lake City, UT 96 Jackson, MS 95 El Paso, TX 94 Portland, OR 93 Tulsa, OK 92 Tucson, AZ 91 Baton Rouge, LA Say AAHHHHH.
i am not sure of those results - I have seen more messed up teeth here then I even needed to. Mine are not perfect but I at least have some!
Dunno where they got the info from, but everyday I see people that look like they've been chewing bricks.