Now that is something to have to call your insurance agent about. I bet the owners of the house were red hot, but they can relish in the fact knowing that Oscar-Meyer will lay some slaw on them. Slaw...cabbage...yeah, pretty lame. I should have just stopped at the first sentence. At least the link was good. I'll ketchup with you guys later.
I was actually at King's BBQ about a 1 1/2 years ago when the Weinermobile was there inviting people inside for some kind of singing contest that Oscar-Meyer and American Idol was doing. No, I didn't sing but took a few pictures. Not sure you can tell it in the link, but the Weinermobile utilizes Trans Am taillights.
U got me you are correct sir! Currently in the great state of Ga visiting BIL & his fam-and passed Pedro's house on the way!! Of course I couldnt resist when I saw this post!
Is that a sir, like a Peppermint Patty sir? My favorite is Pedro's forecast: Chili Today, Hot Tamale!