The members of this board are great and can usually help answers most requests for info, but if you don't find what you're looking then try posting this same question on the CAT/DOG forum. I personally don't know anyone who could help. Sorry!
Thanks. I have not posted very much. Guess I should have looked there first. I will try to move the thread there.!!
Not necessairly, I just thought you might want to ask there as well. There are a lot of people who look at this board who never look at the Cat/Dog forum but might know who could help you. I just thought you might get some more suggestions by posting on both boards. Good Luck
You may think about a wireless dog collar. Our friends have one and that thing works GREAT! Paid about $300 for it and you can set the range the dog is in!
Check this out, and check the reviews (notice the free shipping too!) Hope this helps!!
We used Bill Royster with Dog Watch out of Garner. One of our dogs is very stubborn and she still did great with it. Bill comes out and trains the dog (and the people) personally. It's up to you to follow up with continued training until the dog is used to it. Very pleased with Bill and the underground fence. We did over an acre and it cost around $600. Much cheaper than a "real" fence!
I'm in the wrong line of business. We bought a Petsafe 6 years ago, installed it ourselves and trained the dog ourself. We also did over an acre, with a very stubborn beagle and now a very active boxer. Came with a video, buy extra wire at Lowes. Piece of cake.
is that the one you are talking about that Ready posted? I want one for my dogs because they are little escape artist!! :mrgreen:
We tried do-it-yourself, but at least with the brand we got she would run right through. Guess we got the wrong one! I'm still happy though. We've had this for more than 4 years, and only 1 escape and that was because we turned the "zapper" off because we trusted her too much. It gives an audible warning first. (I say "zapper" but it's not much of a zap. Adjustable. We tried it on ourselves first. Just enough of a reminder that THIS is her space.) Plus if we accidentally cut the line we can call Dog Watch and they'll come out and fix it for us. Lazy? Maybe! :lol:
Hmmm, I wonder if that would work on kids? Something a lot of people don't know is that many jurisdictions have ordinances that require you to post a sign (of a certain size) in your yard if you have an invisible fence. They could be a problem for UPS guys, meter readers, etc.
Don't turn the zapper off - your dog is smarter than you think. We change our batteries monthly because our dog is constantly testing his - he notices when the beep warning is weaker than it was before. I have heard of dogs just sitting and waiting for the beeping to stop - then they walk right on out. Have ONE exit point from the yard for your dog when you take him for a walk, we use the driveway. As for your laziness, I wouldn't say you are lazy - maybe you just don't realize how easy it is to put a wire back together. Five minutes to find and fix.
I know people love these fences and I am not trying to talk anyone out of them, but we get several dogs in the shelter each week with the collars on, but they got out of the fence. I have heard numerous times, that the dog was willing to run out (ignoring the shock) to chase a cat/car/kid... but then was unwilling to come back due to the shock. So under supervision they are great... If you use the fence without supervision, please make sure they have tags with current name/number in case they do get out.
We have the underground fence from Walmart and installed it ourselves. We've been very happy with it. There have been a few times that the system went out due to nearby lighting strikes. There is a 3 year warranty and we've had our unit replaced for free each time. There is a lighting protector you can purchase. We have a 85lb lab and 7 lb dog, both do very well with the system. The lab likes to test the system. It's only when the battery starts to lose power that she'll test to see if she can cross. The small dog won't even go near the boundary. The only thing that this system doesn't do is keep other dogs out. But it keeps the door-to-door solicitors away. The lab barks and deters them from coming up the driveway.