I have heard that Cleveland school has started mailing out classroom assignments for their upcoming kindergarteners. Was wondering if anyone has gotten theirs yet, and if other schools are doing this? I haven't gotten one yet, waiting patiently! Keep checking the website, but they haven't updated it since the end of the school year!
Mine is going to Dixon Road. They told me back in May that we would be getting something in the mail 'During the Summer' for an open house for kindergarten. Haven't received anything yet. The women I spoke to wouldn't be more specific as far as a month just said during summer. Hope it comes soon August is creeping up.
I overheard someone in Target this afternoon about getting backpacks for school.....I am thinking to myself....Already....geezz
well, it's not really early if their kids go to year round, cause they start next week already! otherwise, yeah, it is early. although, i'm an early shopper, or try to be. I've already printed off the supply lists for both kids, just cause i hate it when i go to get the stuff and everything's gone because the year round kids have gotten it all!
Oh I understand...my soon to be 3 year old is bugging me to buy her a school bag for preschool. I told her she has to be completely potty trained first than I will buy it for as her reward...no such luck yet.
I understand completely! My son will be 3 in September, and everytime I ask him to go potty he says "no, ouch". Even though it doesn't ouch, and it's never ouched him, he's never had a traumatic experience so I don't know why he says that and he sees his brothers go on the potty all the time. I've tried bribing him too...Told him we'd take him to the store and buy him a big Diego surprise (he looooves Diego!) but that didn't work...
OMG....she did good for awhile but somewhere she had a setback and now has no interest at all. She sees her big sister go all the time (She has to do what ever her big sis does) but that is the one thing she doesn't do. I tried everything....bribes, treats, you name it...I did it. She is alot harder than the bigger sis to train. Not sure why
teachers aren't working right now, unless they are doing summer school.....it's going to be a while.....the supply list is posted, be happy for that....
Anyone have upcoming Kindergartners at Westview??? Just curious. I'm dying to know who my son's teacher will be. They have one assigned but that is NOT the class he will be in for the fall. So, really want to know. Looks like they won't straighten out the mess until AFTER school starts which is going to really drive him and me bonkers--LOL. He really wants to go along w/ the others to school. He'll be so excited. Can not wait to see the look on his face when he puts his backpack on. So, if any of your future K's go to Westview and coming home talking about their classmates talking w/ his hands, that's my son. They'll be a whole K class learning sign language for sure--LOL. Can't wait to hear from other parents going. It will be SO hard to let him go though. He's my "baby." Stephanie--mom to 7
Where do you find the supply list? Does it matter what school or are they all the same. Where would I find one for Dixon? Anybody know?
http://www.johnston.k12.nc.us/education/school/school.php?sectionid=649 if its available, it'll be on their site....
Well, you know that's where mine go, and I'm still waiting! And yes, all grade's supply lists are on the website. Not for all teachers, but the grades generic lists are up.
Are the kindergarten supplies you buy for your child (tissues, dry erase markers, glue, etc) used by your child or by ALL of the kids in the class? I know you label their clothes and towel but what about the other stuff? Thanks.
Most of the general items like crayons, glue sticks, tissues, hand sanitizer, etc. are shared by the entire class.