Last night my daughter sliced her finger when I caught her with my thinning shears and I grabbed them too quick. It would not stop bleeding and all docs and urgent cares were closed. We finally went to JM in Smithfield. I gave up after 3 hours. I am now afraid to take the bandaid off in case it bleeds again. Is there a place you recommend I go today should it start bleeding again? She is only 2. I feel so bad.
WakeMed has the best pediatric ER. I would have gone there and most urgent cares would have recommended that you go there. They did with my 4 yo and I am a regular patient at 4042. Go there today. It will probably be less of a waiting time and ot really isn't that far. Good luck! Poor thing :cry:
For an ER visit, I concur that I'd go to WakeMed Ped Emergency. However, if my urgency can hold out for Rex in Cary as mentioned above, I'd prefer Rex.