Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Barrener River Short, Jan 12, 2009.

  1. This use to be a fun board to come to but ever since the election certain participants just make it no fun any more to come to. I hope the webbie will set some guidelines for cerntain people. Until such time as those A**H***S are gone off this board I think I am going to log off. When they are gone I will come back. TTFN
  2. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    Don't go away mad, just go away. BTW, was this thread really needed here and on the "other" board?
  3. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Have a good time....
  4. monaco177

    monaco177 Guest

    What's the other board?????

    Don't go away mad, just go away. BTW, was this thread really needed here and on the "other" board?
  5. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    Former Outcasted 40/42 "Hall of Famers" started another forum. This thread was started there by the same person and named I believe Wulfpack and MaryJo as "problems" or something. Something about blah, blah, who gives a flying fart.
  6. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Well, I for one will miss you. Please take a little time away and then come back.

  7. softballmom

    softballmom Well-Known Member

    How will you know?
  8. CrazyFabulous

    CrazyFabulous Well-Known Member

    some of us are fun and have a sense of human!
  9. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    sense of human? :lol::lol:

    that was a perfect thing for this situation too .... :mrgreen:
  10. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Maybe I'll tell him.

  11. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member isn't everyone!! 8)
  12. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Just me...:jester:
  13. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Ahhh....well then BRS don't let one bad apple ruin the barrell :jester:
  14. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    awww come on now - that is only because we haven't had any good dramam BS lately -

    ok who has dirt they want to spill and stir up stuff!!!!??????
  15. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member


    I'll never tell :twisted:
  16. seabee

    seabee Guest

  17. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    Obviously you haven't been reading a thread on the "neighborhood" side for the last day or so. :lol:
  18. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    shucks i missed it.....
  19. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

  20. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    girl you aint right....:cheers:

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