utility marking companies

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by NCGIRL, Aug 16, 2009.


    NCGIRL Well-Known Member

    Can anyone give me the name of a company that can come out to your house & mark where all your lines (satellite/cable, phone, sewere, power.) run? I used a free service in Wilmington called No Cuts, but I can't seem to find a service here in JOCO.
  2. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    ULOCO - NC One Call Center, 1-800-632-4949
  3. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    absolutely terrific timing i need that info too
  4. NCDad

    NCDad Guest

    You can contact the North Carolina One Call Center (NCOCC) using the toll free # provided below, or dial 8-1-1, which is much easier to remember. Also, please visit http://www2.ncocc.org/ncocc/contractorspage.htm to learn what information NCOCC will request of you when you place your call. You can download a handy "cheat sheet" to aid in your request for a locate.

    Keep your NCOCC ticket # handy. You will need it to find out the status of your locate. The web site will provide you with the options available for learning the status of your locate request.

    Keep in mind that not all utilities participate in this program. For example, you may have to contact the water department in your area to locate your water service line, if they are not members of NCOCC. NCOCC will tell you which members who are participating at the time of your call.

    NCGIRL Well-Known Member

    Thank you all so much for the information. I knew somebody on 4042 had to know. I appreciate the help.

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