I'm in the market for a small utility tractor, 25 horsepower +-, with the capability of handling a 4-in-1 bucket. There's lots of choices with Kubota, Kioti, Massey-Ferguson, New Holland, John Deere, etc. Leaning toward hydro-static over traditional gear box. Most seem to have the 3-cylinder diesel engines. Any recommendations or advice? Thanks in advance.
We love our KUBOTA, had it since ~1989 or so, belly mower, full 3 pt hitch, 3 cyl D motor. No mech. issues -ever-. We change the oil, keep it greased, check the fluids, clean the air filter... & MOW. Have had to replace a few belts but that normal wear. I also have to remember it is not a BIG FARM tractor. We have another machine for the bigger jobs.
10-4 on the Kubota. Have to admit that Kubota has been my primary choice, but I'm just now getting serious about evaluating all the options.
John Deere has a new 3000 series tractor. They were on RFD TV a few nigths ago talking about it. Seemed like a good small tractor. A good web site for info from users. http://www.mytractorforum.com/ http://tractorforum.com/index.php?
Speaking of the 3000 series, yesterday I stopped by a John Deere place just outside of Fuquay and picked up some brochures and quickly looked at one of the 3000 series models. Great links also. Thanks. I, too, love RFD TV.