Well, it’s that time of the year when many churches are having Vacation Bible School. My church, Stony Hill Baptist, in N. Wake Co., just completed their VBS last week. It was a joy watching all the kids go through the different classes, listening to their teachers and guides, and working on their crafts. There were about 100 kids in attendance each night. I have great memories of attending VBS when I was a youngster. The church purchased an old school bus that was driven through the community to pick us kids up. We had a great time riding that old bus to and from church. Our VBS teachers were terrific and showed a wonderful commitment in their service to the Lord in this important ministry. Making crafts was one of my favorite classes during VBS. Here’s a photo of the shoe shine box that I made over 35 years ago. It’s still in use and has many years of service left in it. I was an amateur carpenter, for sure, but I love that old shoe shine box, and it brings back many fond memories from my childhood. Perhaps you have a favorite memory of your time in VBS or still have a craft or two that you made. Show it off and tell us about it. If your kids have just completed their VBS for this year, encourage them to tell us what they enjoyed most and show off a craft they made. Anyway, I haven’t seen this topic before so I thought it would be fun to share some of my memories and to hear from those who'd like to share some VBS memories of days gone by. Have a great and blessed week in the Lord. Kent P.S. - For those who haven’t been down VBS memory lane lately, do you remember the pledges to the American Flag, Christian Flag, and the Bible? Here they are in case you need some help: Pledge to the American Flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Pledge to the Christian Flag I pledge allegiance to the Christian Flag and to the Savior for whose kingdom it stands, one brotherhood, uniting all mankind in service and love. Pledge to the Bible I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God's Holy Word. I will make it a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path, and will hide its words in my heart that I may not sin against God.
That is great that you kept it that long. Some things never last that long. I remember going to Bible School every year and I always had such a good time. I don't think I have anything from way back then, but I do have the memories. My daughter is looking forward to going this year, as she does every year.
My own fond childhood memories of VBS are what inspire me today in my Director's duties. I want every child to leave and one day look back and want their children to have the same wonderful experience. There is something exceptional about that one short week during the summer that it can give you a lifetime full of memories.
It's so neat that you've kept your shoeshine box and all the memories that go with it. I am going to be involved in my church's (Southside Church) first VBS this summer. You've inspired me to do my absolute best to turn the children's eyes towards Jesus. Thank you immensely. -Sprocket
sproket, mommy3, and all the other VBS workers, teachers, guides, etc: I personally want to give a round of thanks to everyone who will participate in this year's VBS at the various churches everywhere. Your dedication and sacrifice in the Lord's service to our young people is truly a blessing to your church, your community, and to those young hearts that attend each night. At times it may seem like what you do or say doesn't make any difference, but don't discount for a minute your role in leading those kids down the pathway to a relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ. This fantastic song from Ray Boltz sums up your contribution and how it impacts those around you. In Christ, Kent http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzhFyNp3Ja8