Wellspring Community Chrurch on Short Journey Rd (near intersection of Amerlia Church and 42) in Clayton will be hosting Crocodile Dock starting at 6:30 each night this week. You're more than welcome to join us
We are having VBS this week at Garner Free Will Baptist on Hwy 50. We would love to have you join us. We start at 6:15 and run through 8:30. Our theme is Son Rock!
My son has been invited to Mr. Zion and is looking forward to it. This will be his first time at VBS.
I think this is where we're going to go too because it's the closest church to where we live. I like the camping theme too. One of my friends did that one (SonRock Kids Camp) at her church and said it was a lot of fun!
My son's favorite "Crocodile Dock" VBS song was "You're Powerful" which you can find on YouTube. Its sung by kids, but has a very contemporary Christian rock sound to it. Its probably a bit much for some churches who might not embrace "that" sound. My kid had a lot of fun and made a couple of new friends in the process. VBS is a great way for your kid to have something to do during the summer for just a few nights a week.
Hey you..... P I S S off ..... go back to your corner and continue sucking on your thumb which has probably been up you arse for the last "somethingTEEN" years.
Oh, and sorry Lord for all the cursing up there.... I'm sure I'll here about when my time comes. :mrgreen:
If you listen, you can probably hear it now... I don't think you need to wait for that big day. :jester::jester: