Verizon service problems today

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by dangerboy, Jun 10, 2011.

  1. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    A friend posted on FB she was having problems with her cell today. She has Verizon. We do too. When I try to call anyone I get the voice mail greetings of people I havent called and dont even know. They play over and over and you cant disconnect without powering off.

    Anybody know anything?

    To top it off my home phone wont hold a charge. I bought a new one yesterday. Charged it up for 24 hrs. Called my mom and the line continuously breaks up. Gotta return it. I cant even call Verizon!!!!

    I could be the poster girl for Calgon lately.

    DB's wife
  2. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Magicjack magicjack...I love my magicjack...Magicjack!
  3. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    I saw something yesterday on the news about solar flares or something liek that. I didnt pay close attention, but it was something about storms on the sun could cause communications problems on Earth for a few days. I'm sure it can be Googled, I'll leave that to someone else.
  4. JustAnotherMom

    JustAnotherMom Well-Known Member

    After I read this I called my home phone and it was ringing, but my cell phone was telling me please enjoy the music while your party is being reached, did it a few times. Also, insert twilight zone music here, my home phone won't charge either. Think I'll go back to bed, lol
  5. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

  6. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    Wow...glad this was posted. I have Verizon and also tried calling my home number. Same thing..home phone rang and finally on my cell phone I got the "please enjoy the music" msg and music that is definitely NOT something I'd download.
  7. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Same thing here this morning.... called someones voicemail or recording and I was like uhhh whoa.
  8. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    Just tried to call my daughter's cell (Verizon too) and got right through to her...
  9. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I'm not having any problems either... but I am in Raleigh, maybe I am binging off a different tower.....:?
  10. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Same thing happened earlier when I called JK @ work. I hung up. :lol:
    I thought I had misdialed or something
  11. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    I shoulda know'd to look on here - I thought I was gonna have to go down to the Verizon store!

    I was just having these same problems, started about 11:00. I thought I'd messed up my phone cause I dropped it this morning! :oops:

    Really weird, pretty much the same things y'all described. Hope they fix it soon!
  12. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    must be just the dial out, went through fine when i called & talked to you
  13. CrzyForBaseball

    CrzyForBaseball Well-Known Member

    Been able to recieve fine today...but three times I called out, I got the "do you want to change the voice mail greeting". Glad to see someone else has had problems. I thought it might be a new problem cropping up in the new Gingerbread release.
  14. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Sprint is having issues too, but not that severe. I'm getting duplicate text messages. Annoying, but no biggie. Makes me glad I have unimitied texts though.
  15. siameselover

    siameselover Well-Known Member

    my phone has been acting crazy today also.i called time warner and others have reported same problems.
  16. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

  17. claytonian

    claytonian Well-Known Member

    We didn't have any problems but when I went to the Verizon store last night to upgrade hubbies phone, had to finally give up trying because of internet problems they had been having all day Salesman tried four times to get on and each time he'd either get on and start processing things and would get booted or it just wouldn't come up - finally gave up. Today's another day.
  18. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    Was it the one on 70 near Walmart? They are always having internet problems when I go in there. And the funny thing is they dont get good cell phone reception in there either!!! I can't get cell phone service when Im in Walmart. Ive been by there a coupla times for them to figure out a problem on my phone or to show me how to do something and they have the hardest time getting reception. The whole area around there must give Verizon customers problems!

    DB's wife

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