The Council on Aging Meals on Wheels in Clayton is in desperate need of volunteers to deliver meals at lunch time, Monday-Friday. There are 4 routes in the Clayton Area. If you can help, please call Pam Maynard at the Clayton Senior Center. (919) 553-4350. I have been delivering Meals on Wheels every Friday for about 8 years. It is a rewarding volunteer experience. Thanks.
Call about 10:30-10:45 AM. That is when the volunteers pick up their meals. Unless Pam is off she should be there.
It is time to remind those that live in the Clayton area that volunteers are needed. This is a rewarding volunteer opportunity. I have a lady on my route that will be 99 on Monday. New Director - Connie - call her @ 553-4350. If you can't volunteer one day a week they can use substitute drivers. Have a great day. Bucky