Has anyone ever had this happen? I went to my drs. last month for an appointment. I was in the office for two hours (that is no exaggeration) for what I thought was an ear infection. It ended up a sinus infection. I saw the dr. for a total of 10 minutes, he ordered a diagnostic test, which took the nurse all of 30 seconds to do. I went on-line to check my EOB and found out that the doctor billed $180.00 for the visit. I called and the rep. indicated that there are different levels for an office visit. Mine was coded at an office visit lasting more than 20 minutes. I laughed and apologized to the rep and said that I was in his office for two hours through no fault of my own. I said to her that I guess this is something I need to take up with the drs. office. I have finally figured out why the doctor’s nurse puts you in an examining room and leaves you there for an ungodly amount of time (no I did not spend two hours in the examining room – only an hour, which is just as bad). It’s so they can bill the insurance company for a higher level office visit, thereby getting more on the reimbursement. Usually, I don’t pay attention to the EOB but with all this talk of Healthcare Savings Accounts, I’m starting to watch my healthcare cost more.
I can't believe I'm about to admit this, but I am. :-D One time I was really sick. Can't remember what I had... bronchitis.. strep.. something that made me run a fever and feel horrible. Anyway, I drag myself to the HMO (Kaiser Permanente) and get stuck in an exam room. Well, I was left lying on the table for so long that I actually fell asleep!! The nurse forgot to put the little sign out indicating there was a patient in the room and they forgot about me! :?
That's horrible! About the dr's office, not you falling asleep! I don't blame you. When I was preggers with MP Jr., my ob would be running late ALL the time and there were a few times I wanted to doze off. Eight months pregnant+ hot summer+ hour or more wait = nap!