they should really start making all these devoplers start footing some more of the bill and they are going to be in so much trouble. But if Johnston Co dont watch out we are going to be in the same mess
Just remember the Developers won't foot the bill we will , or new home buyers. A $12,000,000 elementary school to service a 2 new 500 home subdivisions will add $12,000 per house. I'm not saying that is not the way to do it, but don't just think the developers will eat those costs.
Johnston County is already in the same mess. Westview (brand new school) that opened last fall is bringing in trailors. CES's kindergarten classes have 26-27 student's in them. We have all these new elementary and middle schools that are already full and the school board is having difficulties finding land to build the high schools that will be needed- because all the land is being used to cram in new houses. :roll: