Walking w/Dinos Live show?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by kidsfly, Oct 11, 2008.

  1. kidsfly

    kidsfly Well-Known Member

    I just learned about this show and would love to surprise my DS. He's a HUGE dinosaur fan, I think it will make his year. However, cheapest ticket prices will cost my family of 4 around $150 (including taxes, parking, fees, etc.) UGH! (I know an option is that only 2 of us go, and we may have to do that :cry:

    Just curious, has anyone seen this and is it worth the money?

    Also, any chance anyone knows of some coupons or promotions that might help lower the cost a little bit? (Any amount will help)

  2. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I'll be :allears: because I would like to take DS too, but have a hard time justifying that much money. :?
  3. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I just saw the commercial for this. I have heard that it's not good for small children, it can be scary, so not sure how old your kids are. But I have heard it is great for older kids. Sorry, don't know where you can get discount tickets.
  4. wolfcub

    wolfcub Well-Known Member

    If you are an N&O subscriber there is a chance to enter to win tickets on thier web site
  5. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    Even though I don't have any little ones any more, we thought it would be neat to go to, but again, that is a lot of money for us to put out. Guess we won't be going.
  6. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    You can also get a free ticket to the fair when you buy a ticket for the dinosaur show. The state fair website has details.
  7. CakePrincess

    CakePrincess Well-Known Member

    If you registered with News and Observer newspaper website (free), you will save $14 each ticket.

    If you're curious about what's the show like, go to YouTube.com and type "Walking with Dinosaurs". You'll be able to watch the video and see if you think your son will like it.
  8. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member


    Glad my kids are all past the dinosaur stage!
  9. kidsfly

    kidsfly Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the info! 8)
  10. jenster

    jenster Member

    my son and father went to this show when it toured in Charleston, SC. They loved it.. tickets are expensive yes but it is very life like. The dinosaurs are HUGE.. like top of the building huge. Some parts were loud and scary but overall was worth it. It made a huge impression on my 7 year old. The are lots of tshirts and toys to buy afterwards so you could be sucked into to much more money. Just thought I would share.... hope you go. enjoy!
  11. TheSantaFeMan

    TheSantaFeMan Active Member

    Discount Coupons

    My wife got a discount coupon from Lowes Foods at the intersection of 42 & 50. It was one of those extra tickets that print out with your purchase. It is good for $10.00 off of a $35 or $45 ticket and I think it was good for up to four tickets. She trashed ours because we weren't going, otherwise I would have been glad to give it to you. Good luck!
  12. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Things like this, to me, are worth the monies. It's worth the extra money, especially if you rarely go see live shows. Your children and you will never forget it. The dinosaurs are LIFESIZE. The show is FOR ALL AGES. It is well worth the money.

    I have one of the Lowe's Foods Coupons, if anyone wants it, let me know.
  13. colinmama

    colinmama Guest

    I'm just worried about my 3 year old. I have read that it can be REALLY loud (which I can imagine with the dinosaurs and music and all!) so I guess it would depend on how your child would react to those situations. Some would be totally fine, but I'm not sure I want to spend the money if we have to end up leaving 10 mins into it!
  14. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I can't remember where I was, but it was somewhere we were in a drawing to win the tickets. It was the first time I had heard of this Dino Live show. And the people said it was a great show, but it was not something for little kids, and it was very realistic. They said it could end up scaring small children. That's just what I've heard, I've never been there myself...
  15. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I would love to be able to take my girls to see this. They love dinosaurs and anything else that ROOAAAAARS!!! They enjoy the computer animated dinosaur documentaries on TV.

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