Analysts working long hours in the Development Labs have announced they are almost ready to release a new game. Based on early testing, this one has the potential to be more addicting than Bouncing Balls. We are pre-warning 4042'ers so they may prepare for the possible long hours that will be spent at the screen, attempting to grab the high score position from other players. We would advise taking the time now to place snacks and drinks within easy reach of your computer. Please....get some rest. Soon the game will begin. 8)
Webbie, you are an evil mastermind. How could anything possibly be more addicting than the famous 4042 bouncing balls??
I'll slap the programmers around a little and see if we can come up with that! BTW, final testing on the new game is almost complete. We will be releasing it soon. 8)
Congratulations to "Pot O' Gold ~WORD!" who currently holds the top score with a commanding lead on Star Quest! 8)