I learned the hard way! I'm not sure where he was, but he got me in that little section where it jumps from 35 to 55 - I HATE that part of Little Creek Ch Rd. I was clocked going 54 - so I'm just glad he didn't clock me going 55+. Evidently, the homeowners are complaining of high speeds on that road - and I have noticed the parked cruisers a lot more recently. My confused 4 year old thought I was going to jail & kept saying, "Please don't take my mommy away to jail!" Poor kiddos. I hate that they had to witness that. Teachable moment, anyway. Crappity crap crap. So, anyone know a good lawyer around here? I've got a clean record, so I'm hoping for a prayer for judgement. But I have no idea where to start. ANd how much is all of this gonna set me back anyway?
Personally I would go with the PJC. If your record is clean, obviously you are not a "repeat offender". Why spend money on a lawyer, inspection, etc if you know you will drive the straight and narrow in the future?
I swear, we need to post this information somewhere! LOL Each household (you, your DH, any licensed driver living with you) is allowed ONE waivable violation, every three years, before they start adding on insurance points. An example of a waivable violation is a speeding ticket for 9 or less over the limit, in a 55 mph zone. So, if you can get a ticket reduced to 54 in a 45, or 44 in a 35, etc... it will count as your waivable violation. It will remain waivable until three years has passed from the conviction date (at which time it drops off) or until you or someone in your household receives another violation. Anyone can ask for a reduction. Approach the DA before court and ask for a reduction. If they see that you are there with cash in hand, ready and willing to pay the fine for your ticket and not tie up their court docket, 99 times out of 100, they're going to reduce it. If you are that unlucky 1% where they say no, then you simply say you need a continuance so that you can hire a lawyer, and you can take that route. You should not "waste" your PJC on a violation that could be reduced to a waivable offense. Stop sign violations, or running a red light for example are not reducable. Those are the things I would save my PJC for. In closing, if you have auto insurance (and you should) you should call your agent to discuss the possible implications of your impending court date. Contrary to popular belief, your policy will not immediately go up. They can't charge you points until you're convicted, and your agent would have the best access to your households record and could give you the best advice as to how to proceed. Plus, it's their job. If you want to research on your own, this and a plethera of other information is available at ncdoi.com.
This is off topic, but I just went on LCC Road. Who is using it for a dumping ground? I haven't been on it in a while and I used it to cut through. On the left hand side of the road their is a house with a fence, just after Steel Bridge Road. Looks like someone is dumping their garbage on that property. It looks disgusting. Does anyone know what is going on? Doesn't look like anyone is living there.
that house has been vacant for some time, and it just keeps getting worse. i've heard that neighbors have complained, but nothing has happened yet. it's really gross.
I live in a neighborhood on LCCR. Personally, I'm tired of all the people who think it is okay to do 65 in the 55 zone, or 55 where it turns to 45. There are a number of teens in the area who not only drive faster than the limit, but consistently cross over the center line as they come around the many curves on the road. This is a very dangerous road with many twists and turns and we have already had too many fatalities in the past few years. The 45mph area was put into place after the last fatality. I've had people almost force me to run off the road to avoid hitting head on. People pass in the no passing zones on a daily basis. The 35mph zone has become more populated with new townhomes and there is a daycare where people are frequently pulling in or out of. If you are flying down the road it's too hard to stop quickly. Sorry to be up on my soapbox but I guess until it is one of YOUR loved ones or a family friend who dies on this road people won't slow down.
re: jennifer's post go to court. when you get there, you'll stand in a cattle-call roped line. wait. wait. turn around. wait. wait. turn around. wait. wait. then, it'll be your turn. hand the man your ticket. he'll say something along the lines of "hmmm, how many tickets have you had in the last 3 years? the da is willing to offer to reduce the charge to speeding 54 in a 45 if you'll agree to that. ok, see the cashier" i remember one time 20 years ago you still had to go early and approach the da, or stand in his little line in the courtroom before 9:30 am. it's different now. the only time you go into the court room is if you want to out and out fight a ticket like you got one in a case of mistaken identity or faulty equipment or something, or if it's a serious charge like dui
Cant they call the town and have them do something? There was a thread I started awhile back same problem in my neighborhood. Some gave me an agency to call but I don't remember it. Didn't have to call it mysteriously got cleaned up.
pertaining to the ticket question. JC court is always full and they are always looking to get rid of people fast. He will offer you 9 over, take it. I would not use a PJC for a ticket like that, because if you get another one in the next three years, you will be paying for two tickets then
Are you kidding!? They'd change the signs. If you think for one minute there's anything we can do to reduce the number of tickets being written, you're dreaming. Unless you are perfect, your day is coming. Its just a tax on driving.