I'm so freaking mad I could spit! On a Credit Card we don't even use - 2 charges from Miami, FL?? :boxing: Please watch your statement closely!
Girrrrrrrl, I just cancelled my credit card AND my debit cards. Had some funky charges on there..... I'm right with you ....grrrr :evil::evil:
Yep, also happened to a friend yesterday on a bank debit card from some place he never heard of. Got his bank statement and saw an unfamiliar charge.
That happened to me, I called the bank and they gave me a phone number connected with the charge. It was from Chicago, I asked them how they got my card number and they said from AOL, I told them that was FRAUD and the money better be back in my account by the next day or I was contacting my lawyer. It was back in my account. BEAT THAT, darn crooks. :hurray:
You may want to think about putting a fraud alert on your SSN and grab a copy of your credit report to see what else may be lurking out there. My boss went to buy a house and found out that there was an cell phone bill with an outstanding humongous charge on it. The cell bill company was said it was for someone in the State of Washington. What a mess trying to get it cleared. My friend just had the same thing happened with her credit card. Her husband was going through statements paying bills and asked her why there was $5,000 worth of charges (yes, that is correct) that were made in Mexico on a credit card that hadn't been used in years. There was a segment on the CBS Early Show a few weeks ago that talked about how these individuals are getting information to commit fraud. They showed a website that is being monitered by authoritieses. On that site, information such as SSN, Credit Card numbers, 3-digit codes, addresses, d/l # are being sold for as little as $5.00. The newspeople went undercover and decided to post information about two VISA cards that had about $150 worth of credit on them and within minutes of the info being sold, the $150 had been charged. Scarey. The one thing they never did show was the website address. It would be nice if they did so we can go there to see if our info is there. I think one way for someone to get that info is to hack into a store's system. On another show (I think it was 60 minutes), they showed how a store's system can be hacked into. They sat in a car outside a store in a strip mall with a laptop and was able to get the information (not sure how it is done since I'm not computer literate). Apparently, the encryption program to prevent this is very expensive and stores do not way to shell the money out to pay for it. I hate this for you - eventually it will be cleared up but the one thing you won't get back is your time invested in getting it cleared it. I hate that there are people out there that are so dishonest.
I feel ya! Happened to me about a month ago with one of my checking accounts. Luckily it was only a $50 charge. We never use the acct so we closed it. It was still a headache but SECU was great about getting it fixed asap.