I'm looking for someone for my neighbor to call to get water for thier 27 foot above ground pool they just had put in but the pool place can't get to them til Tuesday and they have family & little children who want to swim now. We are letting them use a weell water but that will take forever. Looking for any suggestions. Thanks
Not sure if you can have this done here but anyway figured i would put it out there and you could check. When I was living at the beach we put in a above ground pool and when came time to fill we were told to contact the fire department and for a charge of water they would come out and fill which they did. But with Johnston county being under water restriction right now not sure if they will or not. But it wouldn't hurt to check. Good Luck!!
Heard this morning that it was a JoCo Vol. fire department that caused us to go onto water restrictions. They may be gunshy for a while.
fire depts won't fill up your pools anymore. and yes it was a fire dept in Archer's Lodge that decided to fill up several ponds the other night. you would have thought that a fire dept of all places would know better. sure hate to see what their bill is going to be.
Tangy's right . . . fire dept's won't do it for you anymore. We tried to get ours filled 2 years ago and they wouldn't do it and my husband is on the fire dept! I think it is a liability issue. Too bad though cause that would be the ideal thing to do!
i have seen a blue and white tanker around clayton w/ a logo of "four c's" specialing in pool fill ups -- see them around tr lees gas station a lot -- they may be able to give you the heads up
Two water hoses, 21' pool, 25 hours to fill. I figure a 27' would be a few more hours. You can tap into more than one spigot on your house.
Exactly, if you are on county water, then filling a 24' 52" pool runs about $30 on your water bill - a whole lot cheaper than the $200 - $350 companies charge you to bring water in.
We have a 27' above ground pool. The hose running for 2 days straight will fill it up. It costs us $70 to fill it up ourselves at home. We are on a community well. Good luck. Take care, Stephanie.
I was filling mine with hose, but since the water restriction, I am sitting here with a half empty pool. If people get to irrigate their lawns on odd numbered days, I will substitute the irrgation for an hour of running water in my pool. I am almost there. If I could let it run for one day straight it would be full. Oh well, I will take my chances and not risk getting a fine. This is a very slow process.
There are no fines in place at this point. Did you call JC Utilities? I did when I filled our 22k gallon pool. I told them how many gallons it'd hold, so I would only be charged for the water portion and not the sewer portion for that amount of water.