Water presssure

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Rockyv58, Dec 27, 2016.

  1. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    I know this may sound silly but does any one know if Johnston county has increased water pressure out in the 40/42 area?
    First off in the past 6 months or so I have seen my water bill increase from $18.00-$21.20 a month to $25.00 to this past month of $33.00.

    I had to rebuilt my toilet in my master bathroom. I had to replace the gasket and the slider in the Mansfield. I also took out the old ball float and put in the new Fluidmaster fill. I find it periodically letting more water in as the water is leaking into the bowl. I have to make sure the slider is completely pushed down for it now to flow into the bowl. If I turn the water off to the toilet completely I find that the tub in my guest bathroom will drip water. I am not sure if turning off one leads to the leaking in the other.

    A person at Lowes told me to put some vaseline on the gasket to help the seal. But that only lasts just so long. Been thinking of maybe getting some fishing weights to hang on the slider (where you would attach the chain)
  2. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    Or fix it properly by calling a plumber. Any time you have a leak you'll see a rise in your bill.
  3. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    A 25% rise in your bill is not a toilet or faucet leak. Look at the gallon totals from a prior month. I thought the same thing when my bill went up slightly. All the time is was a slow main line leak that was about to become a major main line break. My water bill was $400. I filled the underground aquifer for a month.

    You need to check your crawl space or basement to see if anything has a bad leak? To check the outside main line you'll need a whole house shut off valve? If your house has one turn it off and then go look at your water meter. Some water systems have a backflow valve at the house you can use to shut off the house too. If it's still showing water coming in you have a main line leak.

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