does anyone have a cat with watery eyes and one is red? im sure its that herpes virus so many cats have. if you do what do you do for it? or what does the vet do? two of our other cats have it and one always has eye boogers, other sneezes alot and some eye boogers but their eyes are fine, although sinny will get a tinge of red sometimes. he has a vet appointment for tomorrow.
You may need antibiotics to get them over the worst of it. I had a cat that had herpes, and fed him lysine every day. It worked great. You can get it at the vet or online in a gel form to squeeze on their food, or you can even buy people lysine and crush it and mix it in wet food. I am also not a vet nor do I play one on TV. Good idea to take the little guys to the real doc.
it is herpes, and he got antibiotic,lysene, and ointment for his eye. she said it was good to bring him in cause he could get an ulcer in the eye and can be blind. i am going to give lysene to my others also. i didnt even ask for it, they brought it up first.
I'm glad you took him in. My blind cat was a stray kitten with herpes that had been untreated and left his eyes a mess. He is very healthy now, 11 years old.