I am at a loss for words, all I can do is cry after watching this: http://www.hsus.org/pets/pets_related_news_and_events/nc_puppy_mill_020609.html
All of the dogs have been placed in foster homes. There are 9 that are at the vets and we do not know where those are going yet!
It is really sad. It just breaks my heart when I hear of stuff like this. I too wish I could take a pup or two, but as you can see with my avatar, I also have 3.
I saw some of this on the news and they showed some of the dogs then. At least the ones that they showed where mostly puppies and they looked like they were handing being socialized. Now I don't know anything about the adults and the ones they showed in the video just looked so sick. I hope they all get great loving homes, and for once I hope this has a great outcome for all the dogs.. I'm such a sucker for the smaller breeds, since I have 2 small ones here. :cry::cry: My question is where are the people that did this? Sheri
Looks like Don Davis is going to introduce legislation that may help, a little bit, to prevent this sort of thing. http://www.wral.com/news/local/story/4526026/
The SMART thing to do would be to simply OUTLAW puppy mills. They serve no purpose at all. Every state in our country has more than it's share of unwanted puppies and dogs sitting in its shelters, while puppy mills continuously breed dogs who quite honestly are not the best representatives of their breeds. Because their breeding stock typically spends almost 24/7/365 in a kennel, they are not living a life - but rather existing just to bear pups. It's not right physically or emotionally for the dogs who do the breeding, the pups are usually born in less than ideal conditions weather/sanitation wise; and the unknowing buyer usually ends up with a dog that has boo coo health problems, or has issues such as anxiety/aggression/or fear. People who run puppy mills make money off the misery of an animal. People who procure pups from mills to sell in pet stores, enable the mill to continue. Those who buy a pup for their personal pet, hand them even more money - ensuring them a handsome profit. Time to say screw fighting to make puppy mills clean up their act and do something to save lives, end misery, and help adopt more animals out of our over-crowded shelters - thus saving taxpayer dollars as well as knocking out a heck of a lot of euthanasia/saving lives of pets already born. - simply SHUT THEM DOWN!
Amen Zoo! I have seen one of those "puppy mills" up close and personal and it is one of the saddest and most disgusting places I have ever seen. I felt so bad for the "breeding" dogs that I just wanted to open all of the cages and scream RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!! These poor dogs are kept in just miserable conditions, it made tears come to my eyes for a long time after I saw it and thought about what I had seen. There is a wonderful book called "A Rare Breed of Love" about a rescued puppy mill breeder dog (true story) and how her owner is on a campaign to educate people about the horrors of the puppy mills and how we need to get a law to stop this inhumane treatment of pets. She has taken this sweet little dog all over Washington, DC, Hollywood, NYC and everywhere else and taken her picture with any celebrity or political bigshot who would pose for the camera. It's a great book with some really cool photos! Got it at BJ's for about 15 bucks.
I agree these places need to be shut down! It is just totally disgusting. I tears so much at my heart. When I read or hear of things like this, I get so upset and hurt so much for those poor dogs, that I end up hugging and petting my 3.