Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by dgsatman, May 6, 2011.

  1. dgsatman

    dgsatman Well-Known Member

    I just sent the following message to Senators Burr and Hagan. I encourage you ALL to contact your elected officials and let them know how this is affecting YOU!! Please feel free to cut and paste, or express your own views. I don't know how much good this will do, but I am getting seriously ****ED every time I pull up to the pump.

    Search "nc senators" and it will pull up their "Contact" info.

    Senator Burr:

    The American public is being RAPED at the gas pumps by Big Oil. While their profits are beyond record proportions, taxpayers are suffering and what little hope we had of economic recovery is quickly fading away. When gas prices were @$4.00 a gallon a couple of years ago, Oil was at $150.00 a barrel. Gas today is approaching or over the $4.00 mark, yet oil fell to LESS than $100.00 a barrel yesterday. Using these figures, gas SHOULD BE LESS THAN $2.50 a gallon. The news said this morning that with the overnight drop in the price of oil, gas SHOULD come down to @$3.61, but would probably be slow in getting there.

    My question is: With the Pesident's new commission, WHY are the Oil Companies allowed to continue to wreak havoc on the American economy? WHY doesn't Congress step UP and protect the taxpayers that they were elected to represent? Every day that Big Oil is allowed to continue the pillaging of consumer pocketbooks is another day closer to the SEVERE RECESSION/DEPRESSION that this country is surely headed for.

    I sincerely implore you to step up and be a HERO to Americans everywhere. Help stop the obscene profits of Big Oil and restore the confidence of Americans in their elected officials. SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE, AND SWIFTLY. WILL YOU LEAD THE CHARGE???


    D.Grey Satterfield, Jr.

    Clayton, NC

    A copy of this is also being sent to other Members of Congress and Senators for their consideration
  2. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    AWESOME!!!! I'm in! DONE!
  3. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Ms. Hagan.
    I am a registered republican. But I feel this issue is a non partisan issue for our beautiful state. We the people in your state are getting financially killed at the gas pump. Pretty soon we simply will not be able to drive to work. Then people will get fired, then people will be on the unemployment line cause OUR hole is going to grow bigger and deeper. Something has to be done about this situation. Does congress not see a problem with RECORD profits by Big Oil? Does this not wave a huge red flag to you and Mr. Burr? It sadens me to know these people are giving 8 figure bonuses and recording record profits meanwhile I have to figure out if I can afford to buy groceries for my family or buy gas to make it next week to work. We are in trouble Senator. I beg you to take a stand on our behalf. Thank you in advance to represent our fears. Take a stand for us please.
    Your non partisan friend and fellow NC neighbor.
    David Robertson
  4. Ima Sheltie

    Ima Sheltie Well-Known Member

  5. sacosta

    sacosta Well-Known Member

    "As gasoline prices were rising to $4-a-gallon and higher, the House GOP voted unanimously to let the oil giants continue siphoning $4 billion a year out of our public treasury. All 241 of the Republican/tea party House members – with not even one dissenter in the bunch – declared that in this time of a supposed budget "crisis," the neediest among us are not the elderly and the poor, but the little waifs of Big Oil."

    Jim Hightower

  6. trident2

    trident2 Well-Known Member

    Last edited: May 6, 2011
  7. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

  8. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    You are writing the wrong people. Tell Obama to stop printing money....the devaluation of the dollar is what is at work here. It's amazing how few people understand how this works.
  9. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Don't usually get into the political discussion but you are correct! most people have no idea how the devaluation of the dollar works and keep thinking it's okay to print money. Doesn't work that way& we are in for a rough few upcoming years. I would love for the news to report about how all this truly works. Our dollar is worth squat any more. I think it was Russia & China that recently met to not use US currency. I know I've mixed that up. I'm sure of it now. Anyhow, two big countries met and the effect will be huge but no one is reporting that stuff. I used to work in finance and I really think people need to focus on what is truly happening w/ the US dollar. It's not good. Gas prices are just the tip of the ice berg. Wait to see how much you pay for food in a few months.

    Stephanie-- mom to 7
  10. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    It is indeed Russia and China. I think you can throw in Brazil, South Africa and maybe India in there too.
    Last edited: May 6, 2011
  11. sacosta

    sacosta Well-Known Member

    The President doesn't control the money supply. The Federal Reserve is responsible for that and Obama has no authority over the them.
  12. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    Oh really? Who pushed the stimulus and the health care bill? Ben Bernanke?
  13. sacosta

    sacosta Well-Known Member

    That has nothing to do with printing money.
  14. Navycut

    Navycut Well-Known Member

    Exxon-Mobil recently reported 10.7 BILLION in profits for the 1st quarter of 2011.
  15. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    I get that the president doesn't literally print the money.....but the deficit DIRECTLY affects the value of the dollar.
  16. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    alrighty children....y'all go on over to the Political Thread Playground where you belong....

  17. sacosta

    sacosta Well-Known Member

    When you said:
    To me you were saying that Obama was decreasing the value of the dollar by ordering more money to be printed, which again he doesn't have the authority to do. In fact, I'm not really sure how to get any other meaning out of your quote. I will agree with your other quote though, the huge deficit that the U.S. is burdened with is a large contributor to the reduced value of the dollar.
  18. sacosta

    sacosta Well-Known Member

    I agree KellBell....we should keep this conversation about the high fuel prices.

    Sorry for the diversion.
  19. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Well I guess the thread police are like Big Oil....TAKE IT!!!

    Ummm No.

    This thread was started out as a good gesture. The rest of the Politabags made it political. It's about making sure our congressman and woman hear us. Nothing more nothing less. :cuss:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmin5WkOuPw&feature=related EAT IT!!
    Last edited: May 6, 2011
  20. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I was just messin' with you guys. :mrgreen:

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